7/8/2010 - the next generation point sur report
ugghhhhhhh!!!! 3:30AM! i'm getting too old for this.
at least the kids made lunch.
meet the next generation - from left to right it's winni, michelle, raka and my daughter christina. yes, i had a boat load of 12 year olds today!
at least i had some help in the form of michelle's dad, alex.
christina had the hot stick today. she nailed a nice vemillion on the first drop, then this 14 pound ling cod a half hour later.
it was quiet for a long time and the kids were getting a little bored. then around 11am, all hell broke loose. we nailed 8 more big fish in a row!
had a nice run coming home.
with an assortment of blues, blacks, gophers and olives, we had a nice box of fish to go home with.
i was concerned about having four 12 year olds on such a long run, but the kids did fine. when we got home, the kids scrubbed the boat, towel dried it, rinsed and dried the rods, stowed away all the gear, bagged up the rain pants and kid's pfd's, and even washed the excursion for me. i didn't get a single complaint all day. it was actually easier fishing with these kids than it was with most trips. they did great!
ugghhhhhhh!!!! 3:30AM! i'm getting too old for this.

at least the kids made lunch.

meet the next generation - from left to right it's winni, michelle, raka and my daughter christina. yes, i had a boat load of 12 year olds today!

at least i had some help in the form of michelle's dad, alex.

christina had the hot stick today. she nailed a nice vemillion on the first drop, then this 14 pound ling cod a half hour later.

it was quiet for a long time and the kids were getting a little bored. then around 11am, all hell broke loose. we nailed 8 more big fish in a row!

had a nice run coming home.

with an assortment of blues, blacks, gophers and olives, we had a nice box of fish to go home with.

i was concerned about having four 12 year olds on such a long run, but the kids did fine. when we got home, the kids scrubbed the boat, towel dried it, rinsed and dried the rods, stowed away all the gear, bagged up the rain pants and kid's pfd's, and even washed the excursion for me. i didn't get a single complaint all day. it was actually easier fishing with these kids than it was with most trips. they did great!