LX Kid

Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
My son and I have been restoring an 24 foot '82 GW Weekender with a GM 305 V8 and stern drive. We are about a week or so away from completion of our project. Does anyone have any idea what I could expect on top speed and fuel milage? Our boat does'nt have trim tabs yet and it's my underatanding a lot of fuel could be saved by adding them. What cha think? Ron in Tampa, FL
G'day Ron, I don't believe they will make a HUGE difference to fuel economy....although that depends a bit on how you intend to use it.

Generally they assist in keeping the boat trimmed laterally so certainly help in making the bow cut the waves and generally keep the hull at it's most efficient angle . ie not falling over to one side.

This could help in fuel economy over long distances particularly, but would most importantly make the ride more comfortable and take some stress off the hull.

I wouldn't have a boat over 20 ft without them and this is especially true with a deep vee hull.
Tabs will add stability, especially for roll. They can help reduce porpoising.
That said, they do it by adding up force on the tabs and that means that drag is added. So depending on overall trim, tabs could reduce fuel economy. In general, I don't think there will be any great change one way or another.
Does anyone know wht kind of speed I can expect? I know there are variables like prop pitch etc, but just generally and fuel consumption (mpg)? Does anyone else have the same model as me? Thanks, Ron
Hi Ron, I am very interested to know what your numbers are.........

I can cruise @ ~ 30MPH @ 3600RPM. I have a 350 w/ Vortec heads/Roller Cam/4bbl carb, but my WOT is 34MPH @ 4600RPM........may play with the prop next year.

Looking forward to your results.
What kind of prop (SS etc) and pitch do you have on your boat? Do you do mainly trolling of get there now and fish type speeds? With your current prop how far (miles) can you go on how many gallons? Thanks, Ron
Hey "FBT" My boat ame with 3 differant props but don't really know much about them excpt one is SS and the other two are aluminum. What are the differances between a 241 Offshore and a 241 Weekender? From our avatars they look very similar. Ron
Hi Ron............don't think there are much differences between our boats.

You should look on the props for numbers to see what they are.........pitch?