'89 Sea Farer washdown and live well diagram


Apr 17, 2022
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Hi Everyone,

I have an '89 Sea Farer with a non-functional washdown and livewell. Before i start troubleshooting, i was hoping someone had a picture of the plumbing layout and wiring diagram i can see. I can ID the washdown electronics as its visible and should be easy to test the motor.

Does the live well have a separate pump? I'm beginning to think it uses the washdown pump, but my boat doesn't have the two-way water valve to select one of the other, which some posts seem to indicate. It may have been changed by a previous owner.

The toggle switch on the console selects either livewell or washdown so i think it may have had two pumps. Where would they be if there are two? Would one be under the live well? I'll never be able to get to that for maintenance, so it doesn't make sense that there would be one there. The fuses look good and ill test the wiring soon. Just need to know if i should have two pumps or not.

Hi Steve - you "may" find info like this in an owner's manual that you can download from GW's site. But the reality is that the boat is about 35 years old and has had who-knows-how-many owners that could have changed things who-knows-how-many times. Your best bet is to just keep the detective work that you are doing and figure it out.

It shouldn't be hard to figure out if the washdown and livewell feed from the same pump... first, is there a T after the pump at the seacock? And/or, pour water into each hose at the livewell/washdown and does it end up back at the pump?

NOTE: These pumps PUSH water, not PULL water. That means they will not typically be near the oulet (the actual livewell or washdown)... they will be near the inlet (seacock).
Thanks, I don't have the T connection. I am just wondering if a previous owner removed it. My online owners-manual scan is too unclear to see how it was routed. I'll start troubleshooting and rebuild as i go.
How many sea cocks are in the aft bilge?
Do the seacocks have hoses attached or does one or more have a pump screwed onto the seacock? If you have any pumps crewed onto a seacock, how many hoses are attached to it, one or two?
When you say there is a switch for livewell or washdown, do you mean there are two separate switches or one with both labels.
The wash down on my 2000 SF is freshwater, and the pump is inside a round pop out on the front of the helm passenger seat box. Does your sink faucet work, it is on the same system/pump if the wash down is fresh water.
Is the FW tank full?
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