Anybody near Jersey City?


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hudson Valley New York
Is anybody near Jersey City? I would like to look at this boat, it would be my first. I know from the photos it doesn't look great, but it just might be my Diamond in the Rough! If i could meet someone down there and maybe buy you lunch, would you go and look at it with me. Someone with Grady Experience. I know I should have it surveyed, but i rather at least look at it first to see if it's worth it.

If there are any takers, let me know.

I have to agree with cdwood, that boat looks like it will need some TLC. Looks like the owner was spray painting the boat name on the side....

I'd call and inquire about that paint on the side, if it is still there, walk away, it will be a pain to get off and cost you way more then it is worth to fix. Before I take any rides out there, I'd request a picture of the hour meter, those hours seem super low for that year, something may be fishy there but it is possible. Also ask the owner for maintenance records, especially on the engine. Ask about tune ups, winterization since it is in the NE, and what else he does to maintain the motor. Unless it has extensive records I would not look at it. Having low hours is not always good either, some owners feel they do not have to maintain the engine since it is not being used, but this is equally as bad and sometimes worse then high hours, unless proper engine tunes and such were done.
I am not sure what your budget is, but I have a feeling this boat may cost you more then you think to get into ship shape.
FYI, NADA for that boat and model is $12,000 for mint value(included engine), that boat is not mint, it is low IMHO, and NADA low value is around $10,000. If still interested, I'd look to offer closer to $10,000 and go down from there if anything major is needed to even consider making an offer. Also, it is a buyers market, boats are not selling well right now, if the seller is eager to deal, he will most likely go lower. Good luck, let us know how it goes.
I'll be heading down that way first week of Feb. PM me if you would still like an extra set of eyes. That boat may clean up well with a bit of elbow grease.
I might venture to say that it could have been under water.The bilge looks terrible the cushions are not original i dont know somethins not right.Great Hull though and would make a good project.I had a 93 Adventurer that I still see around which is kept in a slip 24/7 in Point Pleasant and it looks much better with a 1 a year clean up.-Good Luck .
Pat L
I also can help if you need a extra set of eyes. I own a 24' 1994 (original owner) walk around and am located about 20 minutes away. I have to relay though my red flags went up because he states boat is in excellant condition which clearly it is not. :roll:
I second bulldog's comments "somethins not right". The rust on the battery cables, the cushions are definately not original and that freakin X on the hull, WHO DOES THAT AND WHY? I would be overly cautious on this. I also think she may have been submerged. She's a project no matter how you look at it, just a matter of degree. Offer 5k

I don't think that X was done by the owner, that was marked as such for some other reason.
I agree its always nice to see the boat yourself before you move on to surveyors. BUT, there are key issues the boat inspection must pass regardless of first peek. A key hull issue is moisture: A qualified hull surveyor should run a moisture meter over the hull for moisture in the fiberglass. A Yamaha mechanic should do a compression test and a leak down test. There is much more but these are mandatory regardless of how pretty the boat may look.
One other thing, the amount of crud under that starboard hatch makes me wonder. In 7 years of ownership I've never seen anything like that on my boat.
cdwood said:
I second bulldog's comments "somethins not right". The rust on the battery cables, the cushions are definately not original and that freakin X on the hull, WHO DOES THAT AND WHY? I would be overly cautious on this. I also think she may have been submerged. She's a project no matter how you look at it, just a matter of degree. Offer 5k

I don't think that X was done by the owner, that was marked as such for some other reason.
Thats what I was looking at the rust on the batterys and cables, looks strange, the wires have sut on them as well. ?
Thanks for the replies. I too suspected something, but I was looking at the price. He's asking 12k, Can't find a 95 out there even close to that. I know it would need some tlc but that's reflected in the price. I might go down next week and take a look at it. I think this is a boat yard in jersey City. If it went for under 10k might be worth it. I would definetly do a survey.
Where does on one draw the line on a used boat? I see alot of people here own older 208's. Where they in great shape when you bought them or did you whip them into ship/shape? I don't mind doing electrical work and minor repairs, would the fuel tanks and the transom be the biggest and most $$ jobs on a boat this size?
Hey Jimmy- Round about figure on those 2 major repairs???
Thanks all
Getting the fever..................
If the boat has been submerged what your lookin at at is total re-do of every aspect of the boat, structural integrity (water intrusion in transon/stringers), gas tank/fuel system in general, any wood that could have gotten wet(under gunnels etc.) electrical compromises and so on. You need to reach out to Jimmy to see if he will make his expertise/experience available to you, if so, follow his advise to the letter.