Anyone tried this with your windshield canvas?

family affair

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2010
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I lost my 3 piece windshield canvas. I'm thinking of having a 2 piece done to replace it to reduce zippers and visibility obstructions.
My question is, has anyone used a semi rigid clear for the front panels? The thought of window like clarity is appealing, especially on cold days. The 270 windshield is oddly low. I figured I could easily store these under the walk around in the cabin. Thoughts?
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This is the best photo I have unfortunately you can see that it does wrap around the corners. I don’t remove it.


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I like it! I might go with a different material at the corners to make it more flexible.
Your windshield to hardtop height is not nearly as large as mine. I have concerns the material could pucker or flex at speed. Have you experienced anything like that?
I have three pieces of rigid on front. Corners wrap and stay there. Center flips in/up on really hot days and connects to Ebox with DOT TwistLock fasteners. Velcro on zipper seams to keep out water.
Will be changing windshield snaps to Loxx PullUp fasteners this off-season

All fits in original track. Windshield Snaps had to move..but they slide...

Fantastic improvement.
See post...

I never remove my canvas. Back flips in/up. Front center flips in/up. The rest never moves.
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95% of the time mine will be stowed below, so ease of installation when needed will be a priority.
You all have some very nice looking enclosures!