Auto Pilot pump?


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Townsville Australia
My AP11 pump is not working . The tech has diagnosed a sick electric motor at the pump.

Is this repairable? If not how much should I expect to pay for a complete new unit?

Never had one in my hands, but a catalog sitting five feet away says they run from $762 to $1237 list price depending on model. Hope it is nothing more than a loose wire or somehting like that.
It can be fixed, but depending on what the issue is and how bad it is, along with shipping charges and such, sometimes a new unit is comparable in price and a better option. An RPU 80 is about $770, I believe that is th size pump you would need. It is possible it is an electrical issue with the pump, if that is the case you just need a good electrician to find the problem and fix it, hopefully the pump internals are not fried.

you may inquire about other brand pumps and if they will work, sometimes they do, I think a Raymarine Type 1 pump is a little cheaper. Also check on ebay, I've seen some pumps up there for cheaper then retail lately.
The exsisting pump is an RPU 160 which is priced here at $1600aus and over there at around $800usd.

It appears just the electrics are corroded. However an auto electrician I usually use said it was unrepairable. I have seen Dean Electrics in the US sell just the electric motor for around $300usd.

Just looking for options.........
So it sounds like it's just the motor, (not motor and pump head).

According to their manual - (under fault tracing, section 7) -
(html) - ... 4&gl=us#27

(pdf) - ... manual.pdf

"7.1 Pump (motor) is not running/not responding to rudder command Probable reason: Brushes sticking or worn out. Remove the brushes and check. Sticking brushes should be wiped clean and any carbon dust should be removed from the brush holders. Check that the brushes move without restraint before they are secured".

I would ensure that your wiring/connections are in good shape and just replace the motor brushes. Determine which brand motor you have, (Lemac or Fracmo).

Page 34, (pdf) shows brush part numbers for either type.

Page 36 shows worldwide service locations, (including Australia).

Worse case, if you need to replace the motor, here's one link I found - ... ductId=133

Also... it looks like Lemac is the most recent supplier for their motor. For whatever it's worth, they're in Scottland -

Hopefully, (if need be) you can find a cheaper source for the motor itelf.
Thanks for all the research. As it is just the motor I am going to try a bit harder to see if it can be repaired however the magnets have moved due to some corrosion on the outer pump body.
I have found a guy who believes he can repair the motor so will go down that path for now. I will let you all know how it works out.