B265 on a 300 marlin?


Mar 19, 2024
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
Anyone install an airmar b265 on the flat spot under a 300 marlin? Pics? Problems?
I was going with a b164 since I had the raymarine cp370, but the b164 is like 5.5 inches at the bottom flange and the flat spot on my marlin is only 4.5 inches wide. Some advice and info is greatly appreciated.
I don't thinlk that the fairing block of the 265LH will fit the original GW transducer mounting location.
If you boat is out then measure the flat pad there and verify with the dimensions you find here

It may be possible to create pocket there and glass in the B265 without fairing block, or same center keel what would be the better position, but both involves cutting a big hole and soem very well done fiberglass work.

This is the B265LH how it hot installed before i bought my boat and i am not happy about that and probably have the B265LH pulled again and glassed in.

Also, mark first where the slings to haul the boat go, installer mounted mine exactly there where the slings go and you don't want to haul your boat with boats weight pushing on the transducer.

Thanks for the reply, I should of mentioned, I intend to mount the b265 with out the fairing, the measurements I have are 4.5" wide and about 8" long. That's just enough to fit in the original mounting location, question is has anyone done it like that? I don't need to worry about the straps, my marlin lives on a trailer. I saw a picture of one installed like the way I intend to just they didn't have any info on how it's working out. From what I've measured it will only hang down about an inch and a half, there is no rollers or bunks to get in the way.
I would not install the B265 without fairing block, except it's glassed in and flush with hull (what is probably the case with the one you saw). All B165 shaped transducer need either a high speed fairing block or be glassed in flush with hull to read well at speed as the fairing block diverts bubbles and turbulence away from transducers surface. A fairing block has two purposes, first to be dioganny cut to adapt hull V shape to transducer surface what must be horizontally and second to divert bubbles and turbulence away from transducers surface.
It may be possible to glass the B265 in the transducer mounting pad and creating a "fairing" out of fiberglass,
but i don't think that just installing the B265 in that recessed pad will give good readings as the recessed niche will create turbulence and bubbles.
I was on a 306 Bimini what had the B265LH glassed in flush on center keel and that is what i probably will do with mine too.
Airmar writes:
The included High-performance Fairing improves broadband performance at speeds over 30 knots (34 MPH).
However, it's my experience that same shape transducers without fairing can have problems with reading above 8/10 knots.

I personally would not risk to install any B265 shaped transducer without a fairing, but i installed a same shaped transducer in a small fairing on a L-shaped bracket center keel on the transom of my BW 23 Outrage and it worked well.

You may ask GW directly, they are usually very helpful.

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