Backup bilge


GreatGrady Captain
Jul 13, 2018
Reaction score
St Helens, OR
Express 265
I'm replacing the deck drain hoses on my 265, also going to be adding a high water alarm. I'm thinking of adding a backup aft bilge pump, but wondering where a good place to mount it? I was maybe thinking of the platform where the oil tanks used to be, but wondering if that would be to high? Or do I just mount the pump near the main one and mount the backup float higher?
Correct. The E-pump should be mounted on the bilge floor. The float can be mounted about 4" or so higher. If you're using an auto-sensing E-pump, then it, itself, should be mounted 4"-ish higher. Personally, I prefer a separate float switch that way the E-pump can be a full back-up for the primary pump. While you wouldn't normally use it, add a switch for the E-pump so in case the primary dies, you can still evacuate water below that 4"-ish level.
Some models of electronic pumps, test every minute or two for water and if they find it , they run the pump. The problem is that the running of the test, can run down the battery. I have also had experience with electronic sensing sump pumps for buildings that either get stuck on because they sucked up something that is conductive or they get gunked up with slime and don't sense the water level.
Maybe newer pumps are better . Chime in.
I installed an additional Rule 2000gph in the bilge with the float switch higher on the same shelf my oil tanks sit on. Probably 3 or 4 inches above hull bottom. I made a PVC shelf and used 5200 to seal it to the floor. Sanded floor, wiped clean with acetone to give best bond. The PVC is easy to work with and 5200 bonds very well. I then mounted the bilge pump on this shelf and it has been there for years with no issues.
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