Best produst for aluminun

Grady 228

Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
North Shore
My new 228 slids into the slip on Friday :D.Whats the best product to keep up with the aluminum keeping it looking like new. I know some products can remove the anodized finish. I want to keep ahead of any possible pitting. Thanks I'll send pics as soon as I get them.

Rupp makes a product called AlumiGuard. Its more of an oil then a wax. It makes weathered aluminum that has the anodized finish damaged look good for a while but it doesn't last.

You may be better off with a Colonite Wax (not a metal polish) to protect the finish. If the anodized surface is gone use a metal polish and protect it with wax. A lot of work but it will last longer than the AlumiGuard.

Unfortunatly I haven't found the magic product yet.
nothing will take oxide off and make it look like anodized metal.
oxide is from corrosive material penetrating the anodized layer and attacking the vulnerable base metal. it leaves pitting.
future attack is easy in pitted areas once corrosion is removed. That is why you need to wax or protect salt from getting to base metal.
Woody Wax, I've used the others and they are good, but Woody wax is easy to use and looks the best so far that I've seen.