boat hauler LI, NY


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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LI, New York
Boat is going in the water fairly soon after a little more work. This is my first grady and I can't wait. I'm looking for a reasonably priced good boat hauler on long island to bring my boat from southold to bay shore. Does anybody have any recommendations?
Why not just run it there?.....Did you get it at POE?...If so, I'll bet for a lot less than a hauler you could get one of the guys to run it there with you if you're a novice. All you have to do is go back through peconic bay...Through Shinnecock and down the great south bay......
Call Mike at MNL Marine. He's in Patchogue, hauls my boat every year past 3 years. I actually got his name from someone else on this site. Reliable, good equipment, experienced. Tell him George sent you!
Before you do anything,give Hippie Chic a call. Chris has been moving my boat for over 10 years and he runs a first class operation.His number is 631-543-0444.
The boat is at port of egypt.

I've been boating for 2 years. I've never boated in the peconic or shinnecock area. How feasible is it to run the boat from southhold to bay shore marina? How long would it take? Is it worth it to burn that much gas vs. pay a boat hauler?
I can't tell you exact time....And you didn't say which model GW you have....But, it's 20 minutes to Shinnecock....Probably another45 to Bayshore.....maybe a little longer because you won't be on plane the whole way....Call POE and ask Will.....He'll know for sure.....They can help you....It's really pretty you have a plotter and sounder aboard?
So he' s going out the Shinnecock Inlet and hauling all the way to the Fire Island Inlet, then across the bay.
Unless he knows the entire inland side route.

With a new 22 ft boat.

Better pick a nice weather day, start break of dawn.

I'd take Route 27, be home in an hour, 15 minutes, any weather.

I thought the dealers deliver the boats to the owner, doesn't POE do it?
If not, why not?
Didn't know it was a 222...Though...I'd still do it and stay inland......But....have you asked POE....they might have someone who would tow it there for you....I thought you were hauling a bigger boat that was going to require permits, etc.......Do you have a buddy with a pickup?....POE might even be able to loan you a trailer to get it home if you have a tow vehicle.....
Now we're talking !

Don't know Will.

No way POE Patriarch Bill L would ever let a new boat owner with a 22 ft boat no experience on (or any other boat with no experience on), 2 yrs boating experience, on such a long haul distance in unfamiliar waters to get it home from the sale, even if the owner demanded to, unless Bill L did the piloting on the trip, took the LIRR back home.
Bill might just make the run....He loves that type of stuff......I've known him over 30 years.....He ran the very first Marlin up from NC with his bride using charts and a compass.....But, BobP is right...If you're relatively new to boating with a 222 you could make the run with an experienced boater aboard for fun or just borrow a trailer and tow....the latter is probably your best bet.......

PS...Will is Bill's son....Will is the GM at the marina now.....Has been for the last 5 years.....Bill does delivery demo's and some construction work around the yard.....They're both great guys....
Bought my Gulfstream from Bill 10 years ago. Top Notch. I spent a few good weekends out at POE learning to handle the boat and the local waters then brought it around to Moriches using a map and compass, no GPS :roll: Learn the boat, stay inland ,get a GPS and a good co-pilot and you will be fine.

I use Kirks Marine (Jeff) in Moriches 281-8323 for Spring and Fall Haul. Great service, fair price and great guy. Tell him Carlo sent you.

Good Luck
I bought a Marlin from Surfside 3 in Westhampton last year. Part of the deal was that the boat would be delivered to the north shore for easy navigating to Glen Cove. Since I was a beginner I wasn't comfortable taking the boat from the Westhampton by myself. The boat was supposed to be trailered, but due to the height of some of the equipment, it became necessary to navigate the boat home. We hired a captain (Dick Mead) who came along on our journey. It was a great experience. I highly recommend him.
Thanks fellas, i appreciae all the info. I'm gonna call POE and see what they can do ... then i'll take it from there.

Thanks again