bow thruster

no restrictions

Active Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Galveston, tx
I am new to this board.
I have a 2007 33 express.
Apparently my sheer pin of the bowthruster is busted.
I wanted to know, if anybody has changed this recently.
It is in a very tight space and looks like a real pain to change.
I agree. My 2007 Marlin sheared the pin and it took my dealer about 30 mins to repair - but not under warranty. Make sure you carry a spare pin - the right size - the propeller shear pin is a different size. I would undertake this repair next time now that I saw how easy it was.

Good Luck
no restrictions said:
I am new to this board.
I have a 2007 33 express.
Apparently my sheer pin of the bowthruster is busted.
I wanted to know, if anybody has changed this recently.
It is in a very tight space and looks like a real pain to change.

Just changed mine on a2003 33 grady on the side of the cover on the thruster their is 2 spare sheer pins the one that is stainless is for the prop
order pins from IMTRA MARINE in Mass. their not expensive.the only thing
you have to watch out for is when sheer pin went you didn't move the joy stick from port -starboard this could cause the sloinoide pack to burn the
points that pack is about $200.00.if you have any other ? PM me

Thanks for the info.
Did you change the pin through the little hatch underneath the V-berth, or did you undo the bottom of the v-berth to get better access? To get to the pin just remove the four bolts that are right up agains the hull--right?

no restrictions said:
Thanks for the info.
Did you change the pin through the little hatch underneath the V-berth, or did you undo the bottom of the v-berth to get better access? To get to the pin just remove the four bolts that are right up agains the hull--right?


gert I took the bottom of the V berth out.Makes it alot eaiser disconect
battery cables from batterys.Then disconect cables from either side of
thruster the 4 allen head screws at the base of motor has to come out
if I'am not mistaken their metric. also you might want to have a vacuum
handy the pin might have been turned into power.I'am sending you a
PM message with my phone number give me a call I'll give you the number for the factory rep for side power their really helpful