Bulletin 02007-011


GreatGrady Captain
Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
West Dennis, MA
Is anyone familiar with Yamaha's bulletin 02007-011? I found reference to this while surfing the Internet. I've not actually seen the bulletin but the gist of it is that it affects oil pumps on HPDI engines. I currently own twin Yamaha 2001 200Hp HPDI's and I'd like to know if these are affected by this bulletin. Any and all help on this would be appreciated.
Those are the same engines I have. How can we check to see if the updates were done?
Google "bulletin 02007-011" and this will give you a little more information... I called the place where I bought my boat and they are looking into this as well. Also, I will continue to search the web and if I come up with anything I will post it here.
Dealer Response

I received a reply from my Grady dealer and he asked me for the serial numbers from both engines and checked them against a Yamaha database. He indicated my engines are not affected by this bulletin. I recommend those who are concerned with this issue call a Yamaha dealer to determine the status of your HPDI engine(s).
If I was the owner of one or more of the HPDI motors, I would call Yamaha customer service in Kennesaw and give them my serial numbers. I'm sure they could tell you if your motors are affected by that bulletin and also whether your motors have had the recall performed if necessary. Why not go directly to the source?
Dealers have the same info as the manufacturer.

Bulletin 2007-011 only applies to the big block 3.1l HPDI's, not the 2.6l small block versions....