Canyon 336

Re: 336

Southern Hunter said:
Congrats and good luck with the boat!!! Im sure you'll love it, by the way I love the dual 4212 setup....what model radar did you go with...I see it's the new Garmin HD but which one? I can't wait to get some real fuel burn numbers on that beast with a fishing load!!

I went with the 4 KW 24" . It's raised 5" from the t-top and angled 4* .
Congrats... that will get you to the canyons pretty quickly. I've been drooling over your express on your marina's website but in this economy that will have to wait :(

She was really taken care of very very well. Not even a single hick up with motors, gen, or the rest of the boat. I took her out on some series seas and just went through like they were 3's and 4's .
Southern, I was expecting better mileage myself.

As far as the generator, the generator runs fine, but at the wrong occasions, (like offshore) it starts up and runs fine, but does not produce any power to the panel. I had the techs come out and they claimed it was a loose wire in the control box. Funny thing is two days later, after they fixed it, it stopped generating juice again. Since the boat never left the dock I knew the wire didn't come loose again from any pounding so I called a different tech to look at it. The different tech came the next day and it worked fine when he fired it up. Its hard to diagnose when it's working????

The problem has only surfaced one more time and the crazy thing is it worked about two hours later. A month and a half later and no problems. Now I just make sure I carry sufficient ice so that I don't have to ration the ice if the generator and cooler boxes don't work.


I get that mileage running the boat at what i've found to be the best cruising speed which is about 25-26kts or about 30 mph. What kind of mileage did you see out of the 330? One other thing if you don't mind me asking....were the dealer's pretty ancy to deal with you.....were you able to work a good price out of them with the way the economy is down right now? With the way things are going I figure if you have the $$ right now is the time to get a good deal on a new boat?


That's a pretty crazy sounding problem, it does seem like it would just be a loose connection.....but I agree it's hard to diagnose when it's running!
Southern, all dealers at this point are very happy to unload a boat. My dealer was really good with me and they gave me an offer i couldn't refuse. Grady also offers 6000 bucks off on new boats up to November.
I'll ask the factory guys at the NY Show in a few months.
They usually turn their cabin boats into CCs. The 360 has been out a couple of years now.

Was on the 336 at last year's show, makes the Bimini look small, even has a lower berth for two in the console, what a CC !

Enjoy the ride!
The 366 will launch in December at the New York Show (so i am told)---

If it comes out, i am FIRST in line to buy the "Nothing Else Matters" when you upgrade !!!! :D :D
Kevcros said:
The 366 will launch in December at the New York Show (so i am told)---

If it comes out, i am FIRST in line to buy the "Nothing Else Matters" when you upgrade !!!! :D :D

If she has twin 450's, maybe. I don't like trip. outboards.
Just called GW and they said very shy that maybe at the NY show but def. at Miami show. Would be with twin or trip. F350's, no word on F450's yet.
So you have to wait at least a year :mrgreen:
It is being offerred with Trip 250's and Twin 350's--

The 366 with 2x 350's would be a sick ride !!!!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Trying my best sales impersonation!!