Canyon Role Call!!!


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Port Monmouth, NJ
Canyon Role Call for this weekend!! Whose going? I'm running my 265 Express to the Hudson for a Fri/Sat overnighter. I will be on ch 65 and 69 S.T. Barb is the boat name.
I just sent you a pm about the same thing. Yes we are running from Barnegat Inlet Friday into Saturday. Let's work together out there and find some fish.

Boat name is Kimberly Ryan.
Well we opted to do a day troll instead of an overnighter, I couldn't get an experienced crew together for an overnighter on short notice. We left the dock Sat at 1am, we had lines in just past the tip of the Hudson by 5:15am. We worked the E wall around the E notches and had some life but no takers working from the deep to the flats. We worked to the E elbow and worked the corner from the flats to the deep a while, no luck but did see some life. Decided to cross to the W Elbow after hearing of some fish being picked. Put some time in but it seemed the bite was short lived where we were. We ran back to the E wall out to the E to work the edge with some friends who were slowly picking at some fish. We put out time in and finally got the fish to bite, after almost every rod getting hit, we only came 3 tight....inexperienced crew didn't work fast and bump drags up and get a few turns on the reels to make sure the fish were on. The fish were on the smaller size but keepers and in the box. We worked the area hard and long trying to get the fish to come back up but it did not happen. We trolled across the deep a while working whales, skippies and porpoises without any luck. Pulled the spread and spent an hour tile fishing. We managed 30 tiles, most were 8-12lb fish, a few were in the high teens. After our arms had enough reeling from the deep we decided to troll the W Elbow again before heading in. The bite was slow and some what disappointing but we did manage to put some meat in the box.
Spent the night at the East Elbow of the Hudson and got two roughly 55lb YFT on sardines. Trolling the area produced a ~27" YFT that was released and a 12lb. mahi. The rest of the day was slow. We were happy with the results, especially since it was my son (15), his buddy and myself. They did a great job working the pit for the entire trip. Not sure we would have done any better with my normal more experienced crew based on the other reports we got.

Can't wait to get back out there. Thanks for checking in with us througout the trip.
Yeah it was a slow day for just about everyone, 5 fish was the best report i heard from the Hudson so far...not great by any means. Seems the only good bite up and down the canyons was at the Carteret, not sure those fish will hold there long, no great structure or temp break to hold them, who knows when the bite will pop back. We marked fish on the W wall and E of the e elbow but they were between 200-400ft deep!!! They didn't even know we were above them they were so deep. I've never had fish deeper then 150ft come up to feed, not sure why the fish were hanging so deep. Had a few others report the same marks down deep. Heard the bft bite was good in the late morning, we might opt to do that next trip until the canyon fishing is worthwhile again.

I know a lot of guys who had 1's and none's and the few fish trolled were rats so as slow as it was you did better then a lot of people out there.
When are you heading out again. If the weather is ok for Sun or Mon I may hit the bft grounds. Let me know if you are up for running. It's been a late bite so we don't have to leave in the dark. First lets see what this storm brings us.
Not sure Brian, canyon bites off so bft would be the way to go. I am thinking possibly Monday but from my experience the fish feed like crazy before storms, which they did this week, bites been nuts all over. After storms you get short flurries, but the fish are still stuffed and don't eat as well so I may opt to wait a few days so they are on the feed again. I'm hoping to get another canyon trip in as well, but we will wait and see if its worthwhile or not to run again. We went this past Fri/Sat and crushed big yellowfin. One of the best tuna blitz's of my life all around the boat!! Unfortunately the bites been off for most out there and now the water cooled to 71 degrees so we need another eddy or break to roll through to bring a new body of fish in, its pretty dead right now.
I am on the fence at this point. I have missed the BFT bite, and am strongly considering hitting them on Sunday and or Monday. Still waiting for the Admiral and Earl to let me know their plans... I will post here and/or call you guys once I decide.
