Canyon roll call for tues


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Port Monmouth, NJ
Heading to the hudson or Tom's canyon on tuesaboard my boat the S.T. Barb II. Leaving the dock at 1am for a day troll. Will be running along side my buddy on his 29 welcraft, Skippin' skool. Hoping to get there for the big eye bite and then work for some yellowfin and possibly deep drop for tiles at some point in the day. Seas are supposed to be flat calm tues so it should be an awesome ride both ways. Anyone going give me a shout...will be on 65 or 6.
Good luck tonight. Hope you guys do well and find a bigeye or two out there. Please post results, and let us know how your new lights work out.
Decided not to run last minute...would be running through some severe T storms on the ride out only to get out to a changing front just to the south of the canyons, depending on how that front moves we could be just north and flat calm, or in it and get rocked badly. Between that and the water sliding SE making our run futher, along with slower reports yesterday and today from big name charter boats we decided to hold off until next week. Heard better reports from the fish tails so we will wait for that water to move into the hudson or tom's and run for that, sounds like its holding a better class of fish in it from the reports i've seen.
Spreader lights have been great so far, used them a few times bass fishing for a few hours at night, plenty of light around the boat and it attracted bait in the bay each time so I can only imagine what it will attract at the canyon.
gradyfish22 said:
Decided not to run last minute...would be running through some severe T storms on the ride out only to get out to a changing front just to the south of the canyons, depending on how that front moves we could be just north and flat calm, or in it and get rocked badly. Between that and the water sliding SE making our run futher, along with slower reports yesterday and today from big name charter boats we decided to hold off until next week. Heard better reports from the fish tails so we will wait for that water to move into the hudson or tom's and run for that, sounds like its holding a better class of fish in it from the reports i've seen.
Spreader lights have been great so far, used them a few times bass fishing for a few hours at night, plenty of light around the boat and it attracted bait in the bay each time so I can only imagine what it will attract at the canyon.

What kind of gas do you usually go through on a trip like this?
180-205gal, have not exceeded that and I've run the Tom's and back from the highlands. I burn roughly 16-17gph at 28mph cruise, sometimes I'll run 30-35 if the seas are flat and burn more fuel, but tend to burn about 75-80gal each way to the canyon. Trolling I burn about 4-4.5gal/hr, and typically plan on trolling 10 hrs, anything under 8 hours is a waste of time to make the trip to the canyon for a day troll. This leaves me 50gal reserve if anything goes wrong, even if I had to burn .9mpg going home at a 12-14mph chug in nasty stuff I can reach home, or run for a closer port if necessary and get in safely. I always top off as I leave the dock, I mean gas to the fill at the gunnel, I leave no room for error. I'm also running 4 strokes, guys with 2 strokes will burn atleast 20% more fuel, sometimes way more if not fuel injected or newer technology. also, I'd highly advise against going to the canyon without twin engines, really not a place you want to break down at. Had a guy break down 50 miles out 2 weeks ago, took sea tow 5 hours to reach him to tow him home, at the canyon you may not even get them to come, will likely be CG and will cost a lot, thats why twins are a must, or run with a bigger buddy boat at the very least. Always look for a 2 day window after you plan to go if your a newbie to play it safe, never run between storms until you get the hand of things, and even so still not a great idea, perfect example is yesterday, had a buddy run out for bluefin on a 1 day weather window that never became a true window, ran out in nice seas and got his behind handed to him coming home last night, even though they had tuna he said it wasnt worth the beating they took, and he loves to tuna fish as much as I do. Wait for the right days if you do run. Also, a handheld vhf and handheld gps are a must, along with a life raft and epirb, plb's a junk and not for offshore use. Spend the money to be safe if your going offshore.