After having been on the Fishing Tidewater radio show with Don Lancaster this morning I could not help but want to go fishing. I stopped at Pop's Bait and Tackle in Hampton on the way home and picked up a couple of gallons of chum and a few eels. My wife and I departed our house in Poquoson Va. on my Grady at around 1230 hrs and headed to an area not to far from Back River Reef. I put out three lines and my chum bucket and had some lunch. We were both thankfull for the steady 15 kt SW winds because it was 90 degrees and steamy today. Admittedly, about an hour later I had dozed off on the cockpit floor in the shade when one off the lines took off screaming. I jumped up and grabbed the rod just in time to see a Cobia jump up and air close to the boat. It jumped out of the water at least two more times before running me around the boat once. Then it came right beside the boat and I quickly gaffed him. He was not real big at about 40 inches but he was definitly lively. We gave it another hour and a half then headed home at 1600hrs. I got every thing cleaned up, including myself, then fired up the grill for some fresh Cobia. Another good day of fishing and great company with my best friend. Here are some pictures from today.