Chesapeake 290 Generator Install


Sep 21, 2023
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Gautier MS
Hello everyone. I have recently purchased my first Grady White, a 2011 Chesapeake 290. It's a great boat but doesn't have a gen set. I was wondering if anyone has a 290 with a panda generator who would be willing to share some pictures. I can't find anyone willing to install a generator within 1200 miles so I will be doing it myself. I'm just wandering how the fuel tank, muffler, siphon break, ect. is situated in the hull. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I would try and contact Grady on this and see if they can provide you with any diagrams or pictures. They have been helpful for things like this in the past. It maybe tough to find specific information as the chesapeake didn't have a very long production run. What are you using the generator for? Would a portable be an option?
I have tried to contact Grady 3 times with no response. I will be running the ac for my wife. she cant take the heat for very long but likes to fish with me. I have looked at the portable gen but concerned about carbon monoxide getting into the cabin. I actually had a shop in Gulf Shores AL call me back this morning about getting the Panda installed. I will update on progress. Thanks
Look at some 282 Sailfish as well. Very similar boat. It was squeezed in the aft area under the aft fishbox. Prob a tight fit and prob installed before the hull and liner were assembled. Just like the cockpit drains. Easy to do when the boat is apart, darn near impossible when the boat is together.
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It looks a bit tight back there but I can get it done. I was in there for a while last night replacing batteries. I did get the quote back for generator installation. 38k. plus or minus 25% I think I can do it for half of that. I would really like to see what one looks like in a 290 before I start.
While I can't help with your actual question, I think you're on the right track. I'd be worried about CO, as well - especially with someone possibly sleeping in the cabin - along with some other issues that come with portables - but that's not a discussion for here... just that I agree with you. Less hassle with an installed one, too :)

Have you tried looking at boats for sale on the internet? Maybe you'll find a few with a genny installed that you could look at... or find a friendly seller that wouldn't mind taking a few more pics for you. Try Boat Trader and Yacht Trader online.
If you go with the panda, the inlet is usually at the bottom of the boat and raw water is pumped into an exchanger and then the water is mixed with the exhaust and it comes out above the waterline at the rear hull side. The plumbing is fairly straightforward if you have the access. You'll have some electrical work which may be a bit more difficult.
If you have not purchased a generator my buddy has a brand new one. He bought one 6 months ago for his GW 33 Express and found out his old one was repairable. Now he has a new one sitting in the box he would be willing to sell at discount. Not sure of size but if interested can find out for you. Located in Ocean City, MD
My buddy's generator is a 5kw Fisher Panda. Never installed.