I recently bought a 1995 208 and want to know the best way to clean grady vinyl. I apparently voided my old boat's warranty when I cleaned the vinyl with anything other than Ivory dish soap. Boat was a Hurricane and it was my last from them.
If all else fails, Tilex will definitely clean them... I tried a variety of "safer" products first (boat soap, vinyl cleaners, marine spray nine, etc) with no luck on mine... The Tilex worked like magic! After rinsing and drying, I used the 303 protectant so I wouldn't have to do it again...
Tilex and other cleaners with chlorine bleach in them do work well like Chlorox Clean Up, the problem is chlorine is an oxidizer and it can "eat" the threads used in making the cushions. There is a trade off between using harsher cleaners getting them sparkely clean and the longevity of the cushion itself. I suggest 303 too....
I would be really careful with a liquid bleach but have cleaned with the Mr. Clean Eraser sponges (which have bleach). Just make sure you rinse it really well.
I just bought a 2004 225. It needed some bolster work. One bolster had mildew spots and my canvas guy told me to use bleach and water multiple times to remove the spots. He said that the spots would not be on the other side of the material but it would take them out.
I tried it but didn't think it would work... it worked..... 5 applications
I did it with a small paint brush and did not get it on the threads
If you can do that.... use straight bleach
Good Luck
Here is something else. We noticed some mildew on the ceiling of our bathroom this winter. Went to lowes to look for Kilz and the paint guy told me, not to use bleach but to use amonia in a 3 to 1 ratio with water. Guess what, it worked! and not only that no mildew has come back yet...Maybe this might be the trick on the boat too. I will do an experiment here later this month and let yall know the results.
The best product I have used was Amazons Mildew cleaner I purchased from Boaters World. That stuff worked quite well and did not harm stitching. Boaters World has since gone to Davey Jones Locker and I am down to my last bottle.
If the vinyl is totally dried out, there is not much you can do.
If you have stains that you can't get out, acetone works and is actually recommended by some vinyl manufactures. I use 303 on my vinyl but after 8 years of exposure, I had to redo the bolsters.
I do not leave the cushions out when the boat is not in use.
Be careful with the Magic Erasser, it doesn't look it but it is pretty abrasive and can easily wear away the vinly's protectibe coating. It is my last choice when all else fails for deck stains.
I have always had good success with regular Spray Nine (not the Marine). It kills bacteria, mold, mildew, viruses etc. We use it in our ambulances for all blood borne pathogens.
Miss Sadie,
I don't now if there is any difference between them. I got started using it after reading about it in a test in the old Powerboats Report. They used the regular spray nine. As with all things "Marine" it's probably more expensive in the Marine version.