Copper Steering Lines


Aug 29, 2013
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Long Island, NY
Any reason to remove/change these out after 30yrs? '96 Sailfish. Do they eventually rot, leak, break, etc..?
Hard to tell, they look ok under the helm and the small amount that comes out into the bilge, can't see the bulk of them. Doing a re-power and have everything apart, kind of figuring it's a good time to replace 30yr old copper lines, but don't really know their lifespan.
Copper can last a long, long, long time. Long time.

The only way to tell if replacement is needed to get eyes on them.

Otherwise, if it's going to keep you up at night... go ahead and replace.
If it was me ...I would replace with new Seastar hose.
I would consider new cylinder and helm too. 30 years is a long time if still original.
New fittings. Fittings may may have old Flare fittings vs the Parker fittings
I'd change any plastic ones (if you have them on the motor end) but would leave the other until I had an issue. Just my 2 pennies.
If it was me ...I would replace with new Seastar hose.
I would consider new cylinder and helm too. 30 years is a long time if still original.
New fittings. Fittings may may have old Flare fittings vs the Parker fittings
Yeah this was pretty much my train of thought. I believe helm, cylinder/ram and tie bar are all original from '96, and of course copper lines. Thinking while everything is apart, might as well replace it all. Doing all new battery cables and fuel lines for the re-power anyway, might as well go all new. Just wasn't sure if copper is fine to stay and will last another 30yrs. That would at least cut down on running new hoses, but I guess 30yrs on anything is a long time.
Yeah this was pretty much my train of thought. I believe helm, cylinder/ram and tie bar are all original from '96, and of course copper lines. Thinking while everything is apart, might as well replace it all. Doing all new battery cables and fuel lines for the re-power anyway, might as well go all new. Just wasn't sure if copper is fine to stay and will last another 30yrs. That would at least cut down on running new hoses, but I guess 30yrs on anything is a long time.
BOAT Break Out Another Thousand
Do you have Autopilot?

.you don't want to get some new to match old and then have to change evrything later because fittings are different or helm is shot or cylinder needs rebuild because the o rings are shot.