Eisenglass curtains and winter


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 29, 2008
Reaction score
Long Beach Island, NJ
I am planning on keeping my boat in water Mid Oct till Mid Dec for Striper season. I trailored for the summer and did not use them. I Am putting on my eisenglass curtains and wondering if I would be doing any harm leaving them on in the water.

It is kind of a pain to take on and off and I just want to jump into the boat and go. If it gets real cold or snows will I be risking them cracking?

I just had them prof cleaned when I took them off after the spring. They are 2 yrs old and in perfect cond. I just want to extend the life as long as possible.
We don't get that cold of weather here, but I grew up in the northwest and all those thousands of boats have canvas up all year 'round, even when it snows and freezes. So my opinion would be no problem, let 'em be.

When that glass gets cold they can be a real bugger to get stretched and snapped on. I would be leaving mine on if I were you. :wink:

I would not repeatedly try bending eisinglass if it was in a frozen state, for sure. But leaving them hung in in colder temps should not pose a problem at all.
No problem, but if they are snug, they may contract and pull out of the snaps, and if not already on but snug fitting, you have to warm them up in the sun to get on, otherwise impossible since they won't stretch when that cold.

Fish as long as you want, no better time for it.
What BobP says and note that if you have curtains that you roll either to enter the helm or while running, be careful when cold. Roll in a large diameter to prevent cracks and lines and be extra carefull if you fold. As Bob said, a little sunshine will soften them right up.
seasick said:
What BobP says and note that if you have curtains that you roll either to enter the helm or while running, be careful when cold. Roll in a large diameter to prevent cracks and lines and be extra carefull if you fold. As Bob said, a little sunshine will soften them right up.

Actually I am not going to intsall the back curtains,, or curtain. Just the sides and front, the back ones are a pain and get in the way. Plus someone is alway smacking a weight, hook or pole into them and I want to keep them in good cond for resale when I upgrade to a bigger GW. But nice to have when riding back in so the heat stays in the helm and cabin area. I just want them to stay nice for a while. Looking to keep the boat for then next 3 yrs if the motor holds out.
If it's cold out, I don't think he can roll them up too tight even if he wanted too!

I also keep a set on the boat as an off season storage cover, it's actually the original 1992 full set, well beat up but good enough. All zippers work, I had to replace the front vinyl since it dried up and cracked and clear duck tape do longer could save them!
If your using the boat, they are made for that purpose so use away. As stated roll them in a big circle or carry a blow drier and heat them to roll them if they are brittle, if they crack they are toast. The colder elements do tend to reduce the life of them, but usually that is more from them not being cared for over a long period of time in the elements, if your using the boat just keep them clean and care for them properly and you will not damage them. As far as leaving them up for winter storage, you can but donlt expect them to last long, anyone I know who leaves them up for the winter ends up having them replaced a lot sooner and more often, waste of money if you ask me. If your actually using the boat that is different since your getting a purpose out of them. For the winter, roll them with a layer of wax paper and store inside, but until the boat comes out use them, they are there for that purpose.

Enjopy the fall season, it is usually a good time for the striper run down your way, get out the jigs and umbrella rigs!!!
would you leave the eisen windows up during winter storage as long as the boat was shrink wrapped.....or would you still take the eisen to off site storage?
Good question.

If so, make sure the shrink wrap doesn't touch the windows on the canvas, may distort them permanently.

I'd rather see you take them down and wash them (zippers especially) of salt, I use the power washer on low, then lube the zips and clean the windows, get any restiching needs done. Clean mating snaps and sliders on window frame, they collect salt too. Lube behind them.

Then will be ready to go for next season.
Stonewall said:
I never take mine down for winter storage.

Ditto... my dealer told me to leave mine on in winter storage. I've been doing it for the past five winters and never had a problem.
I fish most of the winter so my curtains go on in October and come off in May.
Stonewall said:
I never take mine down for winter storage.

Ditto... my dealer told me to leave mine on in winter storage. I've been doing it for the past five winters and never had a problem.

Same here..I store them in the zippered snapped position. Clean with soap and water let dry then use the spray on polish(210 or Plexus).

If it gets real cold, dont roll it up. I once cracked the plastic on the Sailfish.

2005 300 Marlin w/F250's
great... thx to all for your opinions.
Absolutely take it off for winter storage if you have shrink wrap, shrink wrap is the WORST, it gets really hot each day then gets really cold at night so your plastic canvas goes from one extreme to the other very fast, not what it was intended to do. you can leave it on but it will deteriorate faster then it was designed to do.