I have a 4 horse Yamaha1994 4MLHS that came along as a kicker for my 208 Adventurer.
I was flushing it out this fall and noticed that the telltale was passing exhaust gas along with the water. This is while running at idle, with water supplied with ear muffs. Since the prop was not underwater, I was not able to run the motor at high rpm. The water pump was recently replaced.
My question is: is this normal to vent exhaust gas out of the telltale or do I have a head gasket problem. The Yamaha manual mentions diverting exhaust gas at low speed to other openings in some outboard models, but doesn't mention the telltale.
I was flushing it out this fall and noticed that the telltale was passing exhaust gas along with the water. This is while running at idle, with water supplied with ear muffs. Since the prop was not underwater, I was not able to run the motor at high rpm. The water pump was recently replaced.
My question is: is this normal to vent exhaust gas out of the telltale or do I have a head gasket problem. The Yamaha manual mentions diverting exhaust gas at low speed to other openings in some outboard models, but doesn't mention the telltale.