Fall Deal vs Boat show Pricing - Boat MSRP and Sale info on GW 307


New Member
Oct 13, 2024
Reaction score
Freedom 307
Anyone have knowledge of whether Winter boat shows offer better pricing than buying during Fall Savings Events? Looking to purchase New GW Freedom 307. Obtaining good info on MSRP has been difficult to find, other than asking a dealer to send spec sheets. This is important as dealers are quoting sale price as a percent (%) off of MSRP. So far - I am getting a range of 9% to 11%. There is also a $5000 to $7500 GW Fall Rebate Sale on top and Yamaha is offering 3 + 3 YES on their 300's. seedealercost.com has been useful to show cost of base boat w/out options. Are there any other resources available Thanks
So are you saying $5K off MSRP and another say $5-7.5K after? Is the total 9-11% off MSRP or is that just the quoted price before the extra incentive. 9-11 sounds like a start point. I'd say the range should be 12-30%. So you have some negotiating to do. Don't forget to go after dealer add ins (electronics install, safety items/kits), free/reduced storage and service and other things that don't cost the dealer a lot but can sweeten the deal.
Thanks. appreciate the time of your reply. Im getting 9 to 11% off MSRP on the first discussion with 2 dealers so my guess is there is more room. They are saying there is an additional 5K off on top of that as a Fall savings kicker direct from GW. The boat will likely option out at ~430K MSRP. Bast I can tell is dealer cost is $310K if you believe what's on internet. Electronics are all third party purchased and installed and i assume 20K for that. I think I will begin by submitting my specs to my local dealer and see what they come back with so starting from a defined boat build. My guess is the dealer will come back with some discount, but leave lots of negotiation room.
I thought the mark up was about 30 or low 30s percent in the past. No idea now. The dealers are supposed to only sell in their area. They work well together and respect each other's territory. I have heard of deals happening though. They don't have to floor it, so there should be some carry cost $ on the table. They will have to prep it, install some items, wash and wax and address any issues and fuel it. If your in the 15% range acceptable. 15-20% I'd say good and more would be exceptional. I've found the exceptional deals happen on boats the dealer pre-ordered or one that fell through and they are carrying into late fall. It will be a non-current boat in July and the dealer is carrying the flooring thru the winter, but you have to be willing to take what they have in the showroom.
In my case, I bought in Nov, left on showroom floor so they could continue to show, got a very good trade, didn't have to pay winterization or storage on the trade for that winter. I negotiated me providing electronics and they install at a fixed agreed price. Worked out well for the dealer and for me a win-win.