Finaly I have a Grady


Active Member
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
North East Wisconsin
Well we finally found our boat. We have been looking for a long time to find the combination of price, condition, hull style and year. So we have moved from a mid 70’s 20’ CC Make to a ’96 272 Sailfish.
Brought it home over the weekend after a South Carolina to Florida short vacation with the boat in tow and things seem good. Prior to picking it up we had new pumps / T-stats installed and carbs cleaned and rebuilt. Over the weekend my son and I went through the waste system – Macerator shot –pulled and discarded – not allowed here. Tank cleaned and resealed. Fresh water tank pulled and entire system flushed with a 10% bleach solution and reassembled. Interesting to note starboard side tank clips not engaged into the notches of the tank .. Overall the hull seems to be in very good shape – Going to start the three step process on the hull this week. Any secrets to cleaning the Stainless Tubes on the hard top – some pitting up high lower sections are in great shape.
This forum has been of incredible help in the purchase and decision making process. Thanks to all those who put the time in.


96’ 272 Sailfish “ Double Trouble”

Note - How do I post photos ? Do I need to have them hosted on the web first?

Yes you need to have the photos hosted on the web, try

Also the tubes on the hard top are made out of aluminum and are

anodized (on my sailfish anyway). I am giong to experiment with

different products suggested from this site. If I have no luck I am going

to look into Everbright coatings they have a product that is alledged to

restore pitted anodized Aluminum check out their website. Looks good

but $$$$.

Enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I use sand paper and steel wool to clean up the big stuff. You can get steel wool in really small grit sizes. A little bit of work, comeright off.And my tubes are aluminum also. 8)