Fishing/Radar Arch for 208


Active Member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Danvers Ma
I am thinking of puting a fishing arch on my 208. Has anyone here done this? Pros and Cons? This will be used mostly to get rods out of the way. I do not intend on Radar. Other Idears?
fish, I think it would be a great idea. When I bought my old Tournament I just had a bimini and enclosure w/bow cover made. I only put the top on it when I would go way off chasin tuna with it and again from October to December. Many times I thought, A radar arch with fold out top.. Room for rod holders, outriggers, antennas and maybe even radar would be the ticket on this boat. You see this design used a lot on the large Intrepids. IMHO perfect for the Tournament
If I had one of the new 27 Tournaments, that is exactly what I would put on it. I cannot believe Grady took that uglyazz style top they had on the early 80's Tournaments, which were a bad design (they cracked from hull flexing) and put them on these gorgeous 27's.. Guess that's why they make vanilla, chocolate and strawberry!
I also have a 208 w/bimini and added an arch this past season. Great addition for the following reasons. #1 - great hand hold while underway for passengers #2 - much easier to climb up on the walkway while getting to the ancor #3 - much safer while getting back into the cockpit from walkway #4- gets the net and a few rods out of the way #5 - adds a spotlight for nite fishing and cleaning up back at the dock.
Ditto to what d2t said. It's also a great place for your VHF antenna to get it out of the way and up higher for better transmitting range.