Florida Red Tide - no living marine species to report


Active Member
Sep 11, 2005
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:( Went out of Stump Pass (Lemon Bay, Englewood Fl) to the Gulf for what should have been another great day of fishing.
I have never seen such a entire decimation of ALL marine species from the red tide. There were thousands upon thousands of floating dead fish from baitfish to Jewfish (Grouper), snook, redfish. Saw many dead crabs and florida bugs. The sea surface looked like it was decorated with confettii. The Red Tide killed everything.
I have spent all my life within 5 minutes of one ocean or another and I have never seen something as bad as this.
Did not see any Porp's but did see several Manatee in the bay in obvious distress. Red tide affects your breathing. Going out the pass was like getting a whiff of chlorine when you douse your pool, it took your breath away. I went out 5 miles or so and went south to Bocca Grande Pass. Trolled and live lined, not one hit.
No fish, no nothing.
Today, One day later. We still have breathing difficulties - no I am not in poor health, never get sick or have health problems but this is something else.
We are in deep trouble, serious trouble. This is a man made problem that will only get worse with increased population and development. Where to start to stop our own destruction is my question.
Paul Perkins
Englewood Florida
Seafarer 226
Jerseyboy, please click the hyperlink and read what was on another site before you say it is man made. Man might have a little to do with this but it has been going on for longer then you and I have been around :D
Red Tide

Capt Bill, I do not know your background or experience; mine is BS & MS in Enviromental Engineering from New Jersey Institute of Technology specializing in aquatics and water resources. I have 35 years of industry real world solutions to water polution problems in the power generation industry.

Trust me the problem is from Phosphate mining wastes, improper water treatment from population and agriculture sources, and our obsession to have a greener lawn with no weeds or insects than our neighbors.

Phosphate is a natural deposit within Florida and has always leached out through rivers into the Gulf BUT never to the extent or degree that has occured since mining and refining of this mineral has been allowed in Florida. We had an old saying when I was in school "the solution to polution is dilution" - it is old thinking that is still practiced today but does not work. Look at the results - on a global scale. We are killing our world - fouling our nest so to speak.

Every scientist or engineer knows the problem, it's just that the solution (s) are not politically or sociologically correct or perhaps they put advancement in the Corporate world (Tell them what they want to hear) ahead of the principals that they have been taught. Prostitution is just not about sex.

You were a steamfitter - how many of your trade died from lung cancer prior to the asbestos industry owning up to what they knew for years.

Wake up, Capt Bill and look at the world around you. "I have seen the enemy and it is us"
Jersey Boy
BS, MS - Electrical and Enviromental Engineering (Dual Degrees)
35 years Industrial and Research experience
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Hey Capt,

Yeah, I peddle Real Estate in FL. I am not what you would call a developer's Realtor (LOL). I am pushing for Building & Real Estate Moratoriums
at least untill we ever get our act together.

I am from Jersey but married a Fl native gal and have been in Florida on and off since 1964. Even did a tour with the Navy's Research Lab in Key West. Seen a lot of changes, mostly for the worse.
You should have seen the fishing back then.
Used to go out in the gulf with a shrimper from Placida back then - it was unbeleivable. Will follow your excellent advice.

Jersey Boy
Seafarer 226