Freedom 275 lists to port while docked


New Member
Apr 3, 2022
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SW Florida
Freedom 275
Has anyone seen this before? Brand new 2022 Freedom 275 lists to the port side while docked. Twin 200s hanging off the back. Thanks.
My Freedom 255 does the same and I have never been able to figure it out. When at the dock, I will turn the motor so the weight is more on the SB side to balance it out.
Check weight distribution - batteries, water tank, head tank, livewell etc. are they on the same side of the boat?
Both of my Gradys (180 & 222) have listed a slight bit to port. Like others have said, it could be weight distribution. Is it still listing when you are on plane?
MyOtherBoat has a list to port also. The difference in gunnel height from port to starboard is about 1 1/2 inches. I have not been able to figure out what the cause is. I scoped the bilge and under deck for wet foam but there is none. I removed the fridge from the port side and placed it on the starboard side but some list was still present. Batteries are mounted on the starboard side. For all I know, the list has been there since the boat was built. The fact that others have similar lists in a way makes me feel a bit better.
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I have had a 2017 and 2021 FRD275 and both tended to list slightly to port. Long boat for the beam… It bothered me at first but after a while I didn’t care as the boat ran so well. Both boats were glued to the water with hard fast turns and I rarely used the TTs once the boat was on plane and I trimmed up the engines to release it. I had a Pursuit dc266 in between the 2017 and 2021 Gradys and it didn’t list at all which was nice. Nonetheless, I shed the Pursuit after 8 hours for the 2021 FRD275 because the Pursuit ride/performance was far inferior to the Grady-to be polite... Grady the best ride out there IMO. The 275 is a tender boat but it grips the water spectacularly-list or not…Only sold my 2021 275 to get a new larger Grady (still waiting…) as we have a boatload of folks on board more often than not and I want more room (and Helm Master). Running a tri toon in the meantime on the lake and definitely miss my 275. Enjoy yours.
We have the same 2022 Freedom 275 here on the Ches Bay at our dock with the same 200 Yamahas. Pretty standard, with the hardtop, rod rack, sink and 3 drawer unit on starboard side, but no grill or reefer in that unit. Has autopilot with associated pump, hoses, etc, power steering unit, and Garmin chartplotter for some added weight on starboard side. Just added Taco outriggers, but they balance each other out. Our boat appears to be pretty well balanced with little or no heal either way.

Your question certainly does make me wonder what would be different in weight for the same two boats. Too much fiberglass or coring in construction at the factory? Hull shape (should have been the same mold)? I'd probably talk to your dealer about it. Guess they could glass in some ballast as a last resort, eh?

One other question: does your anchor chain fall to one side in the locker? Wouldn't think that would be much of an issue. Second, are you keeping too much fishing gear in the port bow locker and head (like I do!)?

Let us know if you get to the bottom of it.
Seems like a frequent complaint on GWs as I’ve seen several threads. There are so many items built in today finding the right balance is tricky. Same prob observed underway when people on board and moving all around. Thank goodness for trim tabs.
As noted, weight distribution has a big effect on smaller boats. BUT, it would be good to know what you are talking about... how MUCH of a list is it? A picture is very helpful.
My port side listing was due to a full live well. Whoops. Sorry for the misguided post!