Fuel Stabilizer


GreatGrady Captain
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Ocean Pines, MD
Express 330
Went to pick up fuel stabilizer and there is now a Marine Formula Sta-Bil (green) along with the old trusted red stuff. The green stuff is supposed to "fight the damaging effects of Ethanol." The guy at West Marine said this was all I needed to add to the fuel for the Winter. One large bottle apparently treats more than 300+ gallons vs. needing two large bottles of the red stuff to treat my 240 gallons. Is this what everyone will be using this winter?
I've used the old stuff without problems. It's also less expensive at Lowes than the marine stores. One large bottle per tank (80 gals).
seabiscuit said:
Went to pick up fuel stabilizer and there is now a Marine Formula Sta-Bil (green) along with the old trusted red stuff. The green stuff is supposed to "fight the damaging effects of Ethanol." The guy at West Marine said this was all I needed to add to the fuel for the Winter. One large bottle apparently treats more than 300+ gallons vs. needing two large bottles of the red stuff to treat my 240 gallons. Is this what everyone will be using this winter?

Startron. It's on sale at Boaters World right now for 19.99 a quart. It'll make the engine run a whole lot smoother, too.
I haven't had a gelling problem in my tank for the boat, snow blower and other two stroke/4 stroke equipment when using red Stabil.
In my humble opinion, the ethanol issue has been overblown. yes there were problems when older vessels starting using ethanol and some fuel pump diaphrams didn't like it, but I just haven't seen a lot of problems this season or last season at my club. I see a lot of tilt pump problems. You think that's ethanol related????
I don't buy a lot of the hype for fuel additives especially when the word Marine is added to the label and the price doubles.
use the new suff
the red stuff gels up with e-10

I'd be careful using the old Stabl, it even states something like "now E-10 compatable" on the new label.
Grog said:
use the new suff
the red stuff gels up with e-10

I'd be careful using the old Stabl, it even states something like "now E-10 compatable" on the new label.

I'll bet a beer that the old one doesn't say "Not E-10 compatible"

It's the 'New' 'Improved' marketing approach. Call me a skeptic but I don't believe anything at first. Prove it...
seasick said:
Grog said:
use the new suff
the red stuff gels up with e-10

I'd be careful using the old Stabl, it even states something like "now E-10 compatable" on the new label.

I'll bet a beer that the old one doesn't say "Not E-10 compatible"

It's the 'New' 'Improved' marketing approach. Call me a skeptic but I don't believe anything at first. Prove it...

It's not like they aren't selling the stuff anyway, why would they want to market a new stabilizer if they don't have too?
Grog said:
seasick said:
Grog said:
use the new suff
the red stuff gels up with e-10

I'd be careful using the old Stabl, it even states something like "now E-10 compatable" on the new label.

I'll bet a beer that the old one doesn't say "Not E-10 compatible"

It's the 'New' 'Improved' marketing approach. Call me a skeptic but I don't believe anything at first. Prove it...

It's not like they aren't selling the stuff anyway, why would they want to market a new stabilizer if they don't have too?

For the exact reason that was posted
Thanks all. Gonna use the new stuff even if it is hype. Thanks! David

It's called MARKETING..
How much more does the 'new' stabil cost:)
Both the red and green are compatible with E10, the green is 4x more concentrated, with similar mix ratio to Startron, I think Stabil wants more of Startron's marine business.
If anyone out there is using non ethanol fuel and time has come to use E10, whatever you do, make sure you run down the regular fuel as low as practical before filling up with E10, and make sure racors (or equal) are in place beforehand. I'd go so far as pump all of the last remains out into gas containers for use in the lawnmower, etc.

Then change the racors after the first or second tank of use. Monitor the color in the clear bowls for abnormal conditions regularly.

When I fueled up with the first batch of E10 many years ago didn't have such advice, one of the twin johnnies would miss fire on trolling and stall sometimes, while I was tryin to figure out what the heck was wrong with it, the other motor started doing the same thing, then I realized it wasn't the motors, had to be the fuel. That was the worst of it on the carb'd johnnies. Problem went away all by itself. FI and DI engines may have more problems.

Use fuel stabilizer/treatment always.
Can boating get any more complicated. Bring back the good old days.....WAIT - those were the days when our Johnson 135 HP worked only 1 out of 3 days. :lol: