fuses out from under the dash


GreatGrady Captain
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Townsville Australia
Has anybody got fed up having to unscrew their dash everytime they want to check a fuse; enough to spend the bucks on moving it all?

I have a quote here in Aus, to move and change them all to breakers for approx $1000. I thought the hinged panel behind the steering which you access from the galley as being convenient and close to all switches?

Is this something Grady has done with later models?
If so I wonder what the cost would be?

For a well engineered boat the current positioning seems average at best.
I agre eit was not the best position, I have 2 fuse boxes, not sure what yours has. I have one with all my accessories and smaller items on a small somewhat easy to reach panel, and then my larger more general fuses are on a hard to get to one under the guages on the stbd bulkhead. I had to almost stick my head in there after removing the dash to even find it, I agree it was not the best placement, but half the items on there should not short out that often. Regardless, always carry spare fuses. I'm curious?...what fuse has been blowing that you need to access that often? I have only had to do it once, which was partially my fault. I had my trim tab switch go, took it off and sent it to Bennet, had it replaced under warranty, just had to send the old one and they replaced the new one in 3 days. Anyways, I thought I did a good job of seperating the wires, but 2 muct have rubbed and blown that fuse. I would not suspect fuses on that board of blowing that often unless there is a short in the system or you are somehow overloading something.
I have had probs getting power sorted .Possibly from inactivity.

I confess I am almost useless with electrical stuff so i need it easy to understand and reliable.Grady is no worser than any other trailer boat i have owned.

It's just when you see what the really good manufacturers do....at a price, I would just expect a more practical and better engineered approach.

The push on connectors for the power can be suspect.I had an intermittent prob with the auto pilot which ended up being a faulty connection. And I've just got my tabs working after replacing the HPU. Now the fridge doesn't work.........I have replaced the head!

It's just what you get when a boat hasn't had someone running it regularly and checking on maintenance.

Currently fitting the high speed fairing block to my 1kw transducer. Spent all of yesterday getting the transducer off ouch!
My head fuse goes once in a while..... probally time for a new chopper.
I access the fuse panel by sticking my arm threw the bathroom round removable access, but view it from inside the cabin through access door you described.
As mentioned, you should not need to be playing with those often, mostly only when something is wrong. Keep in mind, they will not like water so high and dry is fine with me!