Garmin Navionics Vision+™ | NVUS006R


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2021
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Canyon 271
I have 2 Garmin 8616 with the blue sea g3 vision VUS011R chart and through haul transducer chirp-hw1kw B175hw I bottom fish in 80 to 200 feet of water 20 to 60 miles offshore

Would it be worth it to upgrade my charts to the Garmin Navionics Vision+™ | NVUS006R and how difficult would that be?

Simple to upgrade and adds some nice map features. I caught it on sale for $149 I think. Only minor drag is that you have to keep the microSD card inserted in one unit. This allows it to potentially get stolen.
Yes it would be worth, the Vision+ has relief shading, the g3 not plus many other benefits
have a look there under Charts and Maps:

You can either buy the map online and she then get downloaded to your ActiveCaptain App and next time you connect to your 8616 with ActiveCaptain the map will be downloaded on them.
If you have time then buy the SD card version, either from Garmins website or in a store who can download them to a SD card. West Marine did it back in 2009 like this, i bought the card and they downloaded and installed it to a SD card, but not sure if that still works like this. Ask Garmin or the shop if you get a discount when you upgrade to Vision+.

If you buy a card you need the be able to access the SD card slots on the rear of your 8616, or have the Garmin SD Card reader in a more accessible position.

I have a card reader so adding the sd card would not a problem the card I gave now is the +
I would take a look (or ask someone here) and see how well they have covered FL west coast. There might not be enough good hi res bottom shading near your port to make it worthwhile...yet...
I have a card reader so adding the sd card would not a problem the card I gave now is the +
The NVUS006R Vision+ has a much bigger coverage and for whatever reason cost 200$ less than the coverage show Relief Shading. CMOR maps seem to have a better detail, but do not work on Garmin devices so you can use only the Garmin/Navionics charts.

I am not sure if local charts have more details as wide coverage maps, wider area maps have just more chart data due the wider area.
The local Sardinia Map did not show more details than the western Mediterranean map i have now, it's the same.
I would like to have the smallest chart available to save my MFD's memory.
If you boat only inside the chart you have now i would keep it as it has Relief Shading too, if you plan to go more far then buy the NVU006R Vision+ what cover all the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Eastcoast and Bahamas.


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Triple check that $149 price. The Garmin Navionics Vision+ card NVUS006R is what you want. Included shaded relief charts. Garmin price is $249. Hodges price $201. Amazon $133.

The Active Captain must remain in the unit. The map card does not need to remain in the unit. Register the map card with Active Captain app. It can then be taken out. Look at this thread to see how to check and install charts. Post #5 and #9.

I would take a look (or ask someone here) and see how well they have covered FL west coast. There might not be enough good hi res bottom shading near your port to make it worthwhile...yet...

There is some detail. The area is generally flat. You will see more out off the edge though.

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