Glory Hole/ Mud Hole on Sun the 14th?


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Port Monmouth, NJ
Anyone running to that area tommorrow Sun Sept 14? I will be out there chasing the bluefin tuna around and some mahi. Heard some good reports from the few boats who got out during the week with some very nice sized fish, hopefully these fish stick around a while.

I'll be on ch 65 S.T. Barb II

I'll post a report after the trip, hopefully its a good one!!
Did not make the run, got bad reports for the day before and had two of my crew bail at 9pm making finding replacements near impossible. Should ahve made the run anyways, my friend had 15 fish from 50-150lbs. Hoping to sneak out there during the week one day.
Were they trolling or chunking?
Chunking. Any days with 15 boats or less were good days, if there are more, don't bother. Just find your own lump near by and troll it if there is bait or marks. We trolled and chunked Wed, not a touch on the chunk, but went 0 for 2 on the troll. First one hit a braid jap feather green/yellow on the flat line 40 ft off transom, ran 15 seconds hard and then was lost when one of my angler's decided to pull the rod out of the holder before pushing the drag up a little, and then dropped the rod tip and lost the fish....after being told not to touch it! Later in the day in the same area we hooked one on the WWWWWB, 250yards off the transom on a large ballyhoo with blue/yellow flasher islander. Fought it for 45min, all three guys had a turn, I went first. Ended up losing the fish, the guys pumped the rod too hard and too much and the kept giving it slack and would not listen to me so we tore a hole in its jaw and lost it... Not a good day for us, we hooked fish when the fleet had nothing and did not produce due to angler error. There are big fish out there, that fish fought for 45 min was at 25lbs of drag on an Avet 50SDS with hollowcore braid and momoi topshot, all 80lb, over 600yards of line and the fish had 2/3 of the spool out many times. This weekend is a wash, but hopefully will be out the weekend after.