Got Wood?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Norwell, MA
Yesterday, I hit what appeared to be a 1x10" board when running in my Sportsman 180 at about 27 knts. Didn't see it as I was in a 1+ ft chop and headed directly into the setting sun. There was a lot of flotsam north of Provincetown yesterday.... trees, boards, logs...

No aparent damage except the engines speed sensor is stuck at 33mph on the yamaha guage. Its a 130HP SWS 2 stroke, ran fine the final 10 nm home, no prop damage.

I shut off the motor at the dock and restarted and it still reads 33mph and the distance measurement keeps ticking up even at the dock, clearly it runs off the speed sensor.

Is this a problem for anything but cosmetics??? The engine seems to be fine otherwise.
It's most likely a clog in the pick-up hole on the outboard. There should be a small hole on the front of the lower unit, that's where the speed pick-up is.