Grady White 257 Advance parts


Oct 22, 2016
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Does anyone know part numbers or where I can get parts locally in Tampa Bay Area?
It takes Grady White a bit of time to get back to me and I am in a bit of a rush to get parts.

I am looking for the Following.

2004 Grady White 257 Advance (Maybe same part for all Grady White Models)

- 3 Thru hull fitting - they are the 3 smaller Stainless fittings on the outside hull of the boat (Not the ones that would be below the bottom paint line)
*1 is for the / Port, Bow, fish box
*1 is for the Bilge / Port, Stern
* 1 is the transom fish box / Starboard, Stern

- 2 Deck Floor Drains.

- 2 transom Lower Well drains

- 1 Fresh water washdown cover

If anyone could get me the part numbers that would be amazing!
Having my boat painted and fittings replaced. They are all corroded.

Thanks in advance.
id check out something like and see what you can find there
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*1 is for the / Port, Bow, fish box (Trying to find this after market.. they no longer make it)
*1 is for the Bilge / Port, Stern (Grady was able to get me the parts number and order)
* 1 is the transom fish box / Starboard, Stern (Grady was able to get me the parts number and order)

- 2 Deck Floor Drains. (Got these on ebay)

- 2 transom Lower Well drains (Got these on Etsy)

- 1 Fresh water washdown cover (Marina I am dealing with had this in stock)