hatch hinge with threaded bolts


May 5, 2024
Reaction score
Freedom 335
I have a Freedom 335 and am looking for hatch hinges with threaded bolts for large floor storage door/hatch in helm area. Does anyone know where to get?
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Not sure what you are trying to do but GemLux has great stainless hardware.

I have a Freedom 335 and am looking for hatch hinges with threaded bolts for large floor storage door/hatch in helm area. Does anyone know where to get?
I'm not sure what you're asking, either. All bolts have threads. Hinges can pretty much use whatever type of hardware someone wants to use - hinges simply have holes in them.

A better description or pictures would help.
I have a few pics to show.4.jpg3.jpg
GemLux has engineering drawings with the hinges they manufacture. Measure up what you have and see if there is a match. You will have to switch to a bolt thru design. They have several 180 degree hinge designs that look like they would work.

When you install new hinge (after testing first) bed it in 3M 4000 or something similar. Clean up excess around the edges with a solvent and a cloth rag. This will keep the hinge tight and prevent it from working loose like your old one.
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As far i remember from my BW 23 Outrage the fishbox hatches had two short bolts screiwng in a treaded copper insert in the wood panel and it rotted away.
I wanted to replace them with SS bolts going thru the hatch., but the "gutter" was in the way and the hatch would not close, so i had to invert the bolts, countersunk V shape bolt head on the inside and the nut on the hinge. Worked, but the nut was higher and hurt when standing on it.

Check that before you do something with thru-hatch bolts.

Also, seal well between the hatch and the hinge and around the bolts , otherwise humidity will creep in the wood? core of the hatch.

Oh, I see - it's studded hinge. Thanks for the picture.

As noted above, try Southco or Gemlux - but also as noted, it might be easier/quicker to contact your local Grady dealer.

If needed, switching to a thru-bolt design will probably be easily done, as well.
Thanks for all the reply's. I will let you know how it plays out