How does your 30' and up Grady White Ride ?


Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Avalon, NJ
There have been some negative comments recently posted on The Bass Barn about the ride of Grady White boats in particular the 33' Express. I have just traded in a 306 Center console which I always felt despite being a little wet when things get nasty, that you point the bow down in a head sea and she just keeps going. I have a 2008 33 express on order and just wanted some other opinions of owners of the 33 or other 30' + boats. I know in a following sea the bow of these deep v's love's to dig in and so I am used to trimming the bow up and dealing with some of the squirreliness however I am interested in how your boats perform in a head sea.


My boat had bow steer problems with the tower installed. I have removed the tower and it is like I bought a new boat. That 150 or so lbs that high and forward made the boat ride terrible. I picked up 4- knts at 4k tach and dropped 6-8gph. The ride is phenominal now.

I would expect that a new 33 express would be even better. The only hint of grumble I have heard here about that boat was the helm layout being a tight squeeze. You are a very lucky person. jh
I have fished on and run a buddy's 33 Express a bunch over the last few years- the boat rides very well. The most important observation I can make is that you need to adjust your speed according to the seas. I know this sounds trivial but I mention it because, as much as my friend would like to believe it, the boat is just not going to run smoothly in 3-5 footers at 25 kts, deep V or not!

...Like I said, I know it sounds kinda obvious, but just something I've observed over time. Trimmed out correctly and running at the right speed, the boat is definitely a tank- enjoy your NEW grady life :D
My boat had bow steer problems with the tower installed. I have removed the tower and it is like I bought a new boat. That 150 or so lbs that high and forward made the boat ride terrible. I picked up 4- knts at 4k tach and dropped 6-8gph. The ride is phenominal now.

I would expect that a new 33 express would be even better. The only hint of grumble I have heard here about that boat was the helm layout being a tight squeeze. You are a very lucky person. jh
That is good info on the tower effecting the ride, I never have heard that.

It took me a while to get the feel for the 33 I was moving up from a 21 sea hunt, so it was whole different kind of ride. Once you get the hang of it it does fine. It does tend to waller if you let the bow dig in.

The flip side is it is a GREAT head sea ride. You will love it.

By the way I am by no means skinny, but I have not had the feel the helm is crowded. The seat slides back and forth and I have not had issues there. Maybe if I keep eating...
blackdiamond296 said:
The most important observation I can make is that you need to adjust your speed according to the seas. I know this sounds trivial but I mention it because, as much as my friend would like to believe it, the boat is just not going to run smoothly in 3-5 footers at 25 kts, deep V or not!


i've ran a few of these too...gotta tell you,the ride isn't that this gentleman put it,it ain't never gonna run 25kts in a 3-5' sea,no way,no how...this boat will ride pretty rough if you try to run it hard in a're gonna have to use alot of down tab and back down the throttles if you're running in a 3' head's not a deep v hull,so don't expect it to handle like one,pick your days and you should be fine...
Is that your old 306w/ 300 hpdi's at Somers Point Marina? We purchased our 330 from them in September.

Take some (most) of the negative comments with a grain of salt. For some, it is easy to be an expert on the internet as experience is not needed. For the others, people will have different opinions as far as what they consider a good ride & what they are asking the boat to do. So while Jimmy and some others may not like the ride, there are many 330 owners who will tell you how great the ride is - and both can be right depending on needs and expectations.

Were you happy with the ride of the 306? Never was on the 306, but sea trialed a 305 before we purchased our 330. There is a noticeable improvement in the ride of the 330 over the 30X hull- she handles like the bigger boat that it is. Would venture to guess, if you liked the ride of the 306 you will love the 330.

Would be happy to discuss further – feel free to shoot me an email.

MRT said:
Is that your old 306w/ 300 hpdi's at Somers Point Marina? We purchased our 330 from them in September.

Take some (most) of the negative comments with a grain of salt. For some, it is easy to be an expert on the internet as experience is not needed. For the others, people will have different opinions as far as what they consider a good ride & what they are asking the boat to do. So while Jimmy and some others may not like the ride, there are many 330 owners who will tell you how great the ride is - and both can be right depending on needs and expectations.

Were you happy with the ride of the 306? Never was on the 306, but sea trialed a 305 before we purchased our 330. There is a noticeable improvement in the ride of the 330 over the 30X hull- she handles like the bigger boat that it is. Would venture to guess, if you liked the ride of the 306 you will love the 330.

Would be happy to discuss further – feel free to shoot me an email.


ride questions are relative...good example of this is the post above,this gentleman came from a 21 sea hunt to this rig...common sense tells us the grady is gonna be a vast improvment over the sea hunt,right ??? now,the other side of the coin is someone who's been running deep v hulled ocean running rigs,this guy steps on the grady,the grady will not be able to run the same speeds in a sea as the deep v hulls,plain and simple fact...the grady ride isn't gonna be as smooth as the ride in a deep v hulled rig,the grady WILL pound,that my friend is a fact,it's not meant as a put down,or a bash,it's stating a fact,the grady will NOT roll as the deep v hulled rigs do,but the ride isn't as smooth in a sea,especially a head i stated,you're gonna need to run alot of down tab,you're also gonna have to back down the throttles,when you're running in a head sea,or the boat will pound,and pound hard..
one thing i learned over the years is the fact customers rarley tell the whole story concerning their rigs,owners tend to exagerate the ride as well as the speed of their boats...every time i hear "i can run 30kts in 5' seas real close together,without pounding the boat",i cringe...i've ran a 31 bertram for years,i put one hell of alot of sea miles on that rig,fact about that rig,it rode hard in a head sea,it was wet,any wetter and you would need a snorkel,and it drifeted terrible too...i hear owners of these rigs telling how their boat is the best sea boat ever made,again,it's all relative... another example,to drive the point home is,i went on an overnite trip to the baltimore canyon on a sea swirl 290.the sea was dead flat calm,and i mean dead flat calm,no wind,no swell,nothing...we ran out at a nice speed,around 30-33kts,at this speed i couldn't walk from the cockpit to the helm area without bouncing all over the place,and desperatley looking for a hand hold...this was a terrible riding boat,pound pound !! that was the ride...however,when we shut down and started chunking,the boat was as stable as a concrete floor,most stable platform i've ever fished on !!!remember that...
Jimmy is right on about "ride" being a relative term. GWs and other more shallow Vs often get bashed on THT for riding rough but if you want the other side of the coin, read the thread from earlier this month about how bad Albemarles roll at anchor and drift. Several Albie owners responded to the thread and were very clear about how the 28' hull is NOT for everyone.

My point is that a simple Q&A about "ride" is utterly meaningless. There are many conditions and use cases to consider. GWs are not for everyone but Regs, Albies, CCs are not either. The best advice is to determine your needs and priorities, them make a short list of boats that match. Narrow those down based on sea trial, features, prices, dealer, etc.
It is definitely relative..I have a new 2008 33 Express w/ 350's.. I have over 100 hours on it. Compared to my ProLine 32 Express it's day and night. I find it handles 3-4 ftrs fine. No I don't try to go 30 knots either. My wife and I make many overnighter and weekend trips, she thinks the ride is great. I think 16000 lbs of any boat will ride pretty good in 3's.

I really appreciate all of the feedback. I guess I just want to make sure I'm making the right decision as I'm getting closer to writing that big check.

Yes Matt, that is my 306 with the 300 HPDI's which I traded in to Somers Point Marina. Personally I was always impressed with the ride of the boat. It had no trouble with 3-4' chop as long as you trimmed the bow down. In those conditions, it was definatly a wet ride, but with a good enclosure it was fine. I did sea trial the 330 however it was a light 1-2' chop which the boat had no trouble with. I know it's only a 33' boat, so I'm not expecting it to ride like a 50' viking but just want to make sure it is a good ride relative to other boats of this size and accomodations.

Frank, as has been stated "it's all relative", however I run my 330 here in Buzzards Bay. any given day during the summer I am in anything from flat calm to 5 footers. This boat, for me and my family, handles these changing conditions like a champ. Do I have to raise the bow in followers, YES. Do I have to drop the bow in a head sea and back off the throttle, YES. But this boat handles those conditions better than others in its class that I have been on. So take a sea trial again on a bad day if the dealer will let you and then you can make a more informed decision. It is a great boat. Again, just my opinion.

If you want send me an e-mail or pm and we can talk some more.
jimmy's marine service said:
ride questions are relative...good example of this is the post above,this gentleman came from a 21 sea hunt to this rig...common sense tells us the grady is gonna be a vast improvment over the sea hunt,right ??? now,the other side of the coin is someone who's been running deep v hulled ocean running rigs,this guy steps on the grady,the grady will not be able to run the same speeds in a sea as the deep v hulls,plain and simple fact...the grady ride isn't gonna be as smooth as the ride in a deep v hulled rig,the grady WILL pound,that my friend is a fact,it's not meant as a put down,or a bash,it's stating a fact,the grady will NOT roll as the deep v hulled rigs do,but the ride isn't as smooth in a sea,especially a head i stated,you're gonna need to run alot of down tab,you're also gonna have to back down the throttles,when you're running in a head sea,or the boat will pound,and pound hard..
one thing i learned over the years is the fact customers rarley tell the whole story concerning their rigs,owners tend to exagerate the ride as well as the speed of their boats...every time i hear "i can run 30kts in 5' seas real close together,without pounding the boat",i cringe...i've ran a 31 bertram for years,i put one hell of alot of sea miles on that rig,fact about that rig,it rode hard in a head sea,it was wet,any wetter and you would need a snorkel,and it drifeted terrible too...i hear owners of these rigs telling how their boat is the best sea boat ever made,again,it's all relative... another example,to drive the point home is,i went on an overnite trip to the baltimore canyon on a sea swirl 290.the sea was dead flat calm,and i mean dead flat calm,no wind,no swell,nothing...we ran out at a nice speed,around 30-33kts,at this speed i couldn't walk from the cockpit to the helm area without bouncing all over the place,and desperatley looking for a hand hold...this was a terrible riding boat,pound pound !! that was the ride...however,when we shut down and started chunking,the boat was as stable as a concrete floor,most stable platform i've ever fished on !!!remember that...

Good post, I totally agree. GW ride great for what they are, and they ae so versatile. Any big IO with heavy engines midships and deep V has to ride better. Its all a matter of what you compare them to. GW ride better than a whole lot of other boats, that is for sure.
Mega said it all... I agree. I've been pounded in my boat but at the same time the boat was handling the seas the way I expected. If I am getting pounded too much I just slow down, change my angle and/or play with the trim. BUT... I have always felt safe and in control. On the other side I do a lot of fishing and mostly drifting or at anchor inside the Long Island Sound (which can get nasty) and I hate boats that roll too much for obvious reasons. The Grady hull is perfect for what I want to do but it may not be for you.