How to use Raw water wash down

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I have an 88 242 and can’t for the life of me understand how the raw water wash down works. I have the hookup to attach a hose in the stern but don’t know how to turn on the water. I have the enclosed transom model with built in live well.
Can anyone help
Me out?
There is a valve in the hull to open/close water to the pump.
there is a switch on the dash to turn on the pump.

Find valve. Open valve (make sure its connected to something and you are not flooding your boat)
Turn on pump. Pump will pump when you open the hose nozzle, stop pumping when your nozzle is closed. If you have a leak it will keep pumping.
Thank you
My dash switches are basically illegible but I’ll be testing and labeling each soon.
there is a switch-near the leftstern seat that works the live well. Would it work both? And I just need to close the live well valve and open the washdown one?
There is a long metal rod with a handle on it in the rear hull would that be the “valve”?
Yes, the long handle is connected to a thru hull valve. You may have two valves if you have a livewell or they might both be fed by the same thruhull. The livewell pump is a separate pump.
Its an old boat and might not be configured as it was when new.

Open things up and follow the hose from the washdown outlet back to the washdown pump.

Be careful if you are in the water and opening old thru hull valves.
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Don’t worry about the labels, mine are labeled and every time I flip the wrong one. Between the wash down vs water pressure pump, I just have my daughter stand by the freshwater wash down and see which of the two turn it on...
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Thanks for the responses. I’ll check it out and see if it works!
You can get me switch covers with labels at
I recall when I first got my boat, Grady had a 3 way valve that switched between livewell or Washdown pump. It was a PITA to switch, so I redid all the plumbing and installed 2 pumps for each. I now control the on/off with a switch at the helm. Look for a gray valve to switch if you have not already figured it out .
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Not sure about yours but on the 03 there are 2 long arm valve pulls near the transom. One is for the live well the other for the raw water wash down.
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If the live well works don't worry about that long handle as you are getting flow. The valve is under your rod holders. When that 3-way valve falls apart you can get a replacement from a supplier like Defender. You can't have the livewell and wash down on at the same time.

This design is pretty cheap because the pump isn't really made to be a live well pump. The livewells from Grady aren't the best if you are serious about fish. Very small and poor flow. A seperate pump for each would be a better setup.
Grant it it’s been about 20 degrees the passed week here, but that valve seems to be sealed stuck in the washdown position. The only way I could move this is with a set of plyers and probably break the handle in the process. Im going to order the replacement one and just change it out. More Plastic junk on a Grady FUN!
Grant it it’s been about 20 degrees the passed week here, but that valve seems to be sealed stuck in the washdown position. The only way I could move this is with a set of plyers and probably break the handle in the process. Im going to order the replacement one and just change it out. More Plastic junk on a Grady FUN!

It's really one of those items that requires a bunch of lube. Make sure you lube it up good once you get the new one. I believe the entire mechanism is plastic, but you don't have the corrosion issue. :) Just hopefully, it doesn't snap off while the live well is on and it fills your bilge up with water. Pull the drop in livewell and look at all your fittings and hoses while your in there. I ended up replacing all the hoses and fittings from the seacock to the thruhull exit.
I just bought my grady fishing style boat, an 89 25.5 sailfish. Does anyone have a diagram or pics of the locations for the raw water inlet, seacock, hoses and pumps?
Has anyone converted the raw water to fresh water from the FW tank?