Hudson-Tom's Canyon Sat-Sun Aug 9-10


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Port Monmouth, NJ
Anyone planning to fish either the Hudson or Tom's this weekend? I will be running out for an overnighter and fishing S of the Hudson along the Flats working the temp break that has been there all week. Ch 65 S.T. Barb II
Hey Tom,

We are planning an overnighter to the Middle / Dip or Tails which ever looks best on the Terrafin chart. Saturday night. Leaving Schinnicock about 2pm Sat. Dont know if I will have the range on the VHF to reach you at Tom/s Canyon but will give you a shout on 65 and try. If you move up to the Hudson I should be able to reach you. I monitor 68.

I purchased the Honda EU2000 for power as we discussed earlier this year. I plug my shore power into it and I have power to all electronics, battery charger and Hydroglow light and additional halogen lights. Works very well

Best Regards and good luck to you,,

I just bought the Honda EU2000i as well, and added 3 4x6 halogen spreader lights in the cockpit and a 3x5 forward to light the bow when needed. I hope to add underwater lights next season, the hydroglow in the water is too much my crew and I think, they work great but need to be removed on a small boat like ours when boating fish to avoid tangles and lost fish. I will likely start trolling from the W elbow of the Hudson on south along where ever the temp break lies that day so I will give you a shout then. I've heard bites either inside the canyons or out a few miles in the deep all along the coast, kind of makes it tough to decide where to go. I assume you strap the gen to the bow, how do you hold it down? Do you leave it up there when running? I just bought it and this wil be the first time using it.
What is your boat name is it tunateaser?
Hey Tom,

Boat name is Fish Finder. I also am using the EU2000 for 1st time. My intent will be to travel with it in the cockpit and bungie it to the bow while chunking at night. I agree the hydroglow will have to come onboard when fish are fought but I just can't resist using it as I have had good success with it on other boats. Last Sat we went to the Fish Tails and the tuna fishing was tough. We did end up with a dozen Mahi but a strike out on the day troll for Tuna. Hopefully this weekend will be better. The night bite in the Hudson last Sat / Sun morning was non productive according to my folks out east but it should bust open any day now.

That is exactly how we feel, looks like we are going to put lines in just inshore of the 050/150 on the flats and troll out way down to the hendrickson and set up for the night somewhere around there unless we find fish north of there. I plan to do the same with the gen, I'm not thrilled with running with it on the bow until I figure out how I want to strap it down, I bought some good tie towns for it so that should work, I'm also carrying an extra 2.5 gal for it and a spare quart of oil, if it is rough which the reports are not, the rocking action can slosh the oil around and shut it off if enough sloshes out and burns off. If it shuts down, check the oil level and try and turn it a different direction to avoid the oil coming out of the pan, where I bought the generator has sold a ton of these and that was the only thing they said is an issue so if you know about it you can sort of prevent it or fix it easily. Good luck, I agree the chunk should bust open any day now, it usually does this week. To the south of the Tom's they have been getting fish chunking already.
Excellent information, I was not aware that the gen could shut down due to rough conditions. Will bring extra oil and gas as well. I am very hopeful we get a night bite this time round. Last Sat there were three blue marlin caught between the hudson and fish Tails so be aware they are out there.

God Bless and have a great trip.

Heard of a bite on the chunk throughout flats between tom's and hudson and on SW corner of hudson from another site, looks like the water break right now is at the hendrickson so I still plan to head there. We were out about a month ago to the Hudson and a lot of blue and white marlin were caught, we tried to avoid them but this trip we will hook anything we come across. Weather looks excellent. I'm hoping I do not need extra gas but will bring it incase, I will be running 5 spreader lights all night drawing about 25 amps along with my electronics so we will see how it goes. Good luck!!!!
I am hoping to get out this weekend as well. As of the this moment we are leaving at midnight Saturday night. We plan on trolling as the sun rises. Was out of town for a for a few days so I have a little studying to do. I will probably head to the Tom's for starters. We head out of Barnegat Inlet.
W#e ran straight to the Tom's and found skipjacks and bonita along the 50 and 60 line and set up on the troll but never got touched. Did see some smaller YFT in the mix as well. We went to the 100 fathom line and set up for the night, had some mahi on the chunk and had a shark hooked on a tuna rig but he chewed through the leader, it was hard to see the fish but it looked to be a very good sized mako. We had tons of squid and a temp break that we set up on but no tuna. Heard of very few fish caught, and all were on jigs at the Tom's. Seems the Hudson turned on this weekend as yft were trolled and chunked along the 050/150 and 030/150 as well as the E. Elbow, also good numbers of big eyes were caught at the 050/150. Would have ran there since it was closer but temp charts showed no good temp breaks there and warm water, we did not get the good reports until after we lost cell service so it did us no good. If the bite stays string we will be out again next weekend.
Great info on the generator Tom. Thanks. It has been a slow pick around here.