Kicker advise please


New Member
Aug 13, 2015
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I need to install a 9.9 hp kicker on my 1983 Tarpoon due to my main lake's motor restriction. On this lake it will be my primary motor. I have ordered the Mercury Prokicker 9.9 (electric start and power trim) with no tiller to go with the new 115 I put on last year. I am looking for specifics on a set up to mount the motor (fixed or one that lifts) and steering control options. I have conceded that I need a second control mounted at the cockpit for starting/shifting/throttle. Other questions... gas and battery hookup? Is this something doable by me or is there something that needs to be done here by a mechanic? I am a pretty handy guy (so I think). Your advise is greatly valued. Thanks, Tracy
Not hard to do yourself. You will need a helper to determine height of bracket with motor in all positions, ie down up and up AND tilted. Make sure there is no interference with the rubrail. I had a 9.9 Yamaha on a 240 Offshore a while back. Had a single 225 Merc quit on me when I was out 82 miles. Took 18 hrs to come in. Use a bracket that lifts up so you get the motot totaly out at cruise and down low enough to maintain thrust when using it. Be mindful of the brackets weight rating and er on going heavier than needed. Four strokes and cruising put alot of strain on the bracket. I put an inline petcock in the fuel since I T'eed off the main fuel line (so as to avoid priming issues when using the main engine). Remember to use decent size backing plates when mounting the bracket, along with plenty of 4200 to seal the bolts in the holes. I have twins now on a 265 Express and frequently look back at the old rig and wi$$h I was running it. $o much easier (and cheaper).