leaking fuel

Cha Ching

New Member
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
st augustine, fl
I have a 283 release, it sits on a lift in my boathouse. It just started to leak fuel from the fuel cap. The boat has always stayed fuel of fuel. My questioned is why has this started now, the boat is only 3 years old. Has this ever happen to anyone?
If it's leaking from the fill while just sitting, it would appear that the tank is overflowing. Did you fill it up before sorage? Did it get hot in FL recently.
Expansion of the fuel could cause overflow.
Or is it leaking WHEN you fill it? Tha'ts a different issue.
Sounds like the vent line is clogged to me. Could be anything from a spider to a bees nest to just junk. Try cleaning out the vent line and then see if it overflows with a full tank......
Drain out 10 gals, add to your car's gas tank.

Unless you are using boat same day after fillup, don't fillup.