Can I hijack the thread? So, there have been interesting comments on the duratrim and it's durability, etc.... I have a 1994 Tournament, so I have the duratrim. Unfortunately, the instrument panel looks faded in areas and I have even used Penetrol to revive it. While it works somewhat, I just think it is time to update the panel. So, isn't there a carbon fiber product out there that can be used?? I definitely do NOT want to use starboard. Don't want an argument about it's merits, it's just not the look I am going for. I would like something along the lines of a "carbon fiber" look (if I am even saying that correct). I have seen many posts on here with photos of NewWire Marine and their panels. What are the thoughts on whether that would be as durable as our original duratrim panels?? One thing I did not like about the NewWire stuff was that then wiring was not color coded, which just made me wonder. Like most, if not all of you, I want whatever I do to look great but also to be done properly and not just slapped together. Sorry to ramble. Been thinking of attacking this project for several months now.