Marlin 300 - Leaky Deck Drawer = Water in Forward Keel Area

Blue Angel

Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Palo Alto, CA
I have an '07 Marlin 300 which I love.

However, I have a problem with leakeage in the forward keel area (at times, about four inches). It appears to be coming in through the drawer that is located to the lower left of the live bait tank, below the cabin walkaround.

The first indication of trouble was when I left the live well running overnight with anchovies in the tank. When I returned to the boat in the a.m., I had two inches of water on the deck, with dead anchovies in the overboard drains, and live anchovies happily swimming on the deck (the dead anchovies clogged the live well overflow drain, thus the water/anchovies on deck).

As the water spilled out of the live well tank, if filled the lower drawer mentioned above, which then overflowed into the bottom of the boat. Water also flows into this drawer whenever it rains (it does rain in Sausalito), or when I wash the boat. The walkaround is a great channel for the water to this drawer.

As the water is forward of both bildge pumps, I have to vaccum it out with a shop-vac.

The dealer pulled the drawer, checked the seal (which appeared fine), and then re-sealed the drawer. Unfortunately, it is still leaking.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, any ideas as to how to solve it? I can't imagine it is good to have standing water in the keel.....

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Yikes that sounds like a real problem. I will check my drawer and baitwell for any possible clues. How does the water get into the keel forward of the center bilge pump. That sounds real strange and means that there a section of the boat below both bilge pumps and not protected by the pump system.
How much fuel did you have on board. My marlin sits bow low almost always, but the pump is still usually the low point. Also I make sure to empty my main (forward) tank before my aux (rear) tank. The boat runs better and feels more balanced. All my bilge water finds its way forward and I rarely see any in the aft bilge. Just my $0.02...jh
Thanks for the response guys.

As for how the water gets forward of the bildge pumps, if you have ever taken off the panel on the port side in the aft bunk (beneath this drawer) to access your head pump, you can see that any water is directed down and forward beneath the cabin area.

If you take the panel beneath the aft bed cushion off (where the forward bildge pump and shower pump are), you will see a wall between the forward bildge pump area, and the forward cabin area. There is an opening for water to flow forward and aft.

However, as one of you stated, my Marlin too sits in the water bow forward, even with full fuel and water tanks (more so as the water and fuel are depleted). As a result, when the boat is moored, the bildge pumps have no access to the water.

You would think that while you were under way, the water would move back to the two bildge pumps and it would be pumped out, but this has not occured.

Again, thank you for the input.

Ok Tim, I checked out my drawer and saw nothing that would suggest a source of leaks. I then opened up the after berth hatch and confirmed the separation wall, with a fairly wide channel opening. I have pulled water out of there before by sponge that was sitting below the bilge pump. Today I got gas (at 4.20 a gallon) and as always when throttling up I turn on the forward bilge. I anticipated this would drain the water in the forward bilge and bow area. When I got back I checked. There was standing water in the forward (bow area), so I now get what you are talking about.
I looked at the hose diagram for the boat. Is it possible there is a leak in the drain overflow tube that goes from the livewell to the thru hull. Or is it possible there is a leak in the bilge pump outflow hose.
Last, is it possible you have a leak around the hard to support that is over the out door storage box and next to the livewell. Just brainstorming here.
El Jefee,

Thank you for your very active sluthing on my behalf....I appreciate it.

I am guessing the reason that the water in our keels is not "captured" by our bildge pump while powering up is because the water is flowing to quickly, and is not of sufficient quantity to be caught.

As for the leaky hose idea, I don't think so as I failed to mention in my earlier post that the drawer literally fills with water, which then overflows into the lower part of the boat (it is a pretty obvious when I pull the drawer out, and water is sloshing about).

I lost you on your last point. Are you talking about the grab handle above and to the side of the live well tank?

Thanks again for your thoughts.

My typing is not what it used to be. You are correct. I meant to write hard top.
P.S. did you contact Grady and see that they had to say?
I hadn't even considered the hard top mount....that is a more plausible source for water to enter the drawer below.

As for contacting Grady, I have just had my dealer out to check the seal on the door. We did not investigate the hard top mount.

I will test it this weekend and let you know what I find.


I have some information on the standing water in the bow area. I spoke to Grady and they said it is normal to have about an inch if water in the bow (keel) bilge (forward of the center bilge pump). This is because of boat design, with the stern being flatter and the bow being a deeper v. They also said the water should flow back when running up to plane and the bilge pump (either center or aft) should switch on and run. Of course, this does no solve the leak problem of this thread, but I thought I would pass on the design info.
My 2007 30 had a leaking deck drawer also. I reset the catch by taking a screwdriver and hammer - with a slight tap the catch will move deeper into the drawer cavity putting more pressure on the gasket around the drawer face. Now I need to investigate my bilge for leaks

Good luck
Washdown and spray (including wet anchor line) enter the forward bilge through the anchor locker. If you're in a heavy sea, it's almost impossible to prevent this.
Hi everyone, this is an old thread but I will try my chances. I just realized that I also have a leaky lower drawer on the port side. I didn’t use the live well at least for two weeks and it rained a little today but I have never seen a leak at that area. Anyone came to a conclusion on this previous thread?
I've never had the issue but if you think water is entering there, I'd seal the doors closed and see if it solves the problem. If I had the issue, I'd seal them permanently as I have really never used them.
Thank you, my main concern is the source of water coming to the drawer. Hopefully not a leak.
The drawer is directly under the walkway and it is angled such that water runs right over it. If you seal it (perm or just new seal with opening drawer) you'll know a lot more than you know now. That was the point of the post. I'd be peeking and poking around and see if I can get more info. Good luck!
There are some good seal products that are not permanent. One is called Permagum, i've used it in the past. Another is Duct seal or the like. I'd see if you can get white. Work it on the edges and close/latch the drawer. Maybe even plumbers putty if used for a relatively short duration would work? Then see what happens... Should be able to peel it off after a while. Also, check the water to see if fresh or salt. I'm guessing some pool water test strip or one spcifically for salt/fresh identification could work.