Marlin Drain Plug Water


Oct 30, 2023
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Hey guys,

Hope everyone had a good season. This is my first real season with my 2006 Marlin (second time hauling out) and when I pulled the drain plug on dry dock, I again got probably 30 -45 seconds of steady strong flow of water. Last year having just bought the boat thought maybe I hadn't noticed water in the bilge and maybe a float switch was busted or something. This year, float switches were new and all season bilges appeared dry as can be from the cockpit deck hatch and under the aft bed. Most boats I've had have had water to a degree that sits, and not extremely concerned, but any idea where it sits and do others get this amount of accumulation? Would at least like to try to clean that area if it's accessible? Thanks
Same here. I run the pump each time after use to get it out. If you wash out the sole it drains to the bilge. The head floor drain goes to a small box with a hair screen and a separate pump. Make sure this is working and clean.
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On earlier models GW isolated the fuel compartment from the forward bilge. There is a long piece of 1/2" PVC that passes thru the fuel compartment. that connects the forward bilge to the aft bilge. There are two limber holes on the two fuel compartments that drain to the aft bilge. They plugged the forward bilge tubing in aft bilge so water in the aft bilge could not drain forward. At the dock the hulll would hold water under the fuel tanks where there is no access or pump. If you boat is high enough up on plane the water drains back to the aft bilge.

268 tubing layout.jpegAft bilge 268.jpeg
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There should be a tube as hook up says that when underway water should drain aft and hopefully get pumped out. That being said, there are two additional pumps on the marlin one bilge but water will still gather there when stationary and the shower sump. In mine, the float switch doesn't engage with the small water amount in the for bilge, so each time I dock at the end of the day, I run the forward bilge manually especially after a good hose down to get the water out.