Merc Four Strokes by Yamaha


Active Member
Aug 6, 2007
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Bald Head Island NC / Charlotte NC
Does anybody have any info/comments on the Mercury four strokes that were actually Yamaha motors under the Merc name and cowl?

Might have an opportunity to purchase a low timer for a deal. I've been shopping for a Yamaha.

Any info appreciated.

I know for roughly a period of less then a year Merc did produce a 4 Stroke that was actually a Yamaha. It was not really sold for re powers, but mostly on new boats just so that they did not lose their hold in the industry. As far as I have heard, there was no difference between the two other then the cowling. I do not think there will be many on here with that engine but there might be a couple. This might be a question that is better suited for a forum like the I have not heard of any issued with that motor, but where I boat there are not all that many guys who have them.
Yamaha produced all Mercury 4 strokes of 75 hp thru 115 hp for quite a few years, from somewhere around '98 or '99 model year, up thru 2006. I think the contract ended in 2006 with some kind of a lawsuit between the 2 companies.

They didn't manufacture the lower units, though. Those were made by Merc. I also had heard sometime ago, that the HP models were up thru 150hp, but I do not know that to be true.
There was a one year period where there was a Yamaha 225 and 250 put in a merc cowling. Did not know about the lower units being merc, that is good to know. You can notice the resemblance's in the cowling of these pics, but the lower unit is certainly different then Yamaha's.


Got it. Must be the "one year" that I am looking at. It's a 225 with just under 200hrs. Sweet deal....Controls, ss prop all set and ready to rig.

We all know pretty much how the motor will perform if it's a Yamaha.

What I now wonder about is if the lower units from Merc are solid.

Comments y'all?
The 'Merc' lower units that I was referring to in my post above, was on the engine sizes up to 115. I really don't know if the one you are looking at (and pictured above) were made by Merc or Yamaha.
hey guys, mercury here in aus, sold f225`s rebadged and painted black. we did interchange some gearbox`s mainly due to cost and availability problems. good thing for us is that merc has just offloaded a heap of parts for this model and we snapped tham up.
ausandy said:
hey guys, mercury here in aus, sold f225`s rebadged and painted black. we did interchange some gearbox`s mainly due to cost and availability problems. good thing for us is that merc has just offloaded a heap of parts for this model and we snapped tham up.

welcome to the site!

you guys need certified techs down there?