Motor Tilt Problems.....


GreatGrady Captain
Apr 23, 2008
Reaction score
Punta Gorda FL
2000 272 Sailfish twin 200 HP OX66s.....after flushing engines this afternoon, the S/B engine will not tilt back down. Electrical motor sounds like it is running, no motor movement. Tilt lock is in proper position. Boat is on a lift so can access only from top. Any thoughts as to where to start troubleshooting?
Will the motor go up or is it all the way up?
If so, flip the tilt stops and tray to lower the motor. If the pistons retract, you have a problem in the pivots. If not, it could be a lot of things.
Also check the hydrolic fluid level. Hopefully it is low and that is the problem.
By the way. There are two tilt locks.... I assume both are OK.
Thanks....The motor is in the up position. Have put both tilt locks into place and tried to lower motor onto locks. Trim motors run, however tilt rod and trim rods appear to remain fully extended. Removed hydraulic reservoir cap and no oil leaked out. Will now go to get some Dexron II and check to see if any can be added to the reservoir.