When the boat was purchased the hatch between the two helm seats were not screwed down. i lifted up the panel and found this plastic tray below it. Under the plastic tray is the aux. tank and oil tanks. I am going to remove this tray so i can screw down and caulk it down. I bought the boat at a boat yard and asked the guy what it was for and he said the previous owner had it in there when he got it. Is this something Grady put in there is is this just something i can toss. Oh and excuse the messy/dirty looking floor trying to get everything back up to speed. Got a new fuel fill hose installed last night. With two people it took about 2 hrs. It wasn't as hard as i thought it would be. The original piece that was removed was a fuel spill waiting to happen.I could literally push my finger through the hose it was so rotted. If you have an old boat this should be on the top of the list of things to do. Anyway here is the plastic tray should i toss it?
The deck floor
The tray
The oil and fuel tank under it
The deck floor

The tray

The oil and fuel tank under it