Need to Find Prop Shop in PA/NJ/Del/Maryland


GreatGrady Captain
Nov 5, 2007
Reaction score
Crisfield, MD
My ss prop needs to have the angle reduced a bit so she comes up to high rpm a little quicker. Can the angle be cut back some so the engine isn't working as hard? And who can do this? Thanks
not sure about a shop in the area you listed, but S&S Propellers in Flushing NY is a very good place if you dont find one closer. if you are not getting all the RPM's you think you should at WOT then you most likely need some pitch taken out- its a pretty routine procedure for prop shops. good luck!

couple around OC, fenwick island.......Propeller Fellers are part of North bay marins on rt 54 couples mile west of OC. 2 more just off commercial harbor in west oc....(rt 50 to golf course road make right, commercial harbor is 2nd left, make a right 2 places right along there before you reach rt south point road...just can't remember the names..hope that helps
If you are in Crisfield try Kastel Brothers in St Michaels if you are driving up the shore anytime soon. I have not personally used them, but a few co workers have and were very happy with the results. With a prop tune you should always make sure to have the boat performance (RPM, speed, min plane speed) at about 6-10 RPM points so that they know what they are after.
You might be better off just buying a whole new prop. Try going through Merc. prop selector tool to get recommendations for the best prop...and yes, it will be a Merc. prop.

What wheel are you running now?