Hello just found this web site and already found alot of good info some I already had to deal with and other things I can see that will be in the furture I own a 85 256 trophy pro with twin 200 95 yamahas I bought in 9/07. I see Im not the only one thats had the fun through haul project, I pic mine up this week from the shop I had the mid sections on the engines replaced due to stearing arms almost rusted through and steering ram freezing up. But she,s a great boat and what a great ride and I like working on it.
Well heres a question for you guys I'm starting to see thin cracks in the transom and I made a custom dive platform for the rear and when I drilled out for the bolts I did find wet wood but not soft.I have a idea I would like to close in the transom and but a bracket on it with a door,I know this will change how the boat planes.Has somebody done this on here and what was you experance and what kind of coin am I looking at.
Thank you[/b]
Well heres a question for you guys I'm starting to see thin cracks in the transom and I made a custom dive platform for the rear and when I drilled out for the bolts I did find wet wood but not soft.I have a idea I would like to close in the transom and but a bracket on it with a door,I know this will change how the boat planes.Has somebody done this on here and what was you experance and what kind of coin am I looking at.
Thank you[/b]