New Grady Owner


Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
new york
At last I have purchased the boat I've always wanted. A 1998 208 Adventure, 200 Yamaha Saltwater series outboard. Every option available on this boat. The only problem with this boat is a lot of pitting on the metal on the hull. Any solutions to this problem?
Steve: I don't have an answer to your question, but I do want to say congratulations on your Grady and welcome to the forum. There are many experienced folks here and I'm confident you'll get some recommendations.

And that 208 is a great boat. We had one for ten years and loved it.

got my first boat this season - a 1997 208 with a 1997 200HP Yamaha. Ran great all season - was a very good boat. Good luck with yours.
Try Woody wax for the pitting. It should help stop it at least.
Welcome aboard!!
Great boat.

I'm not clear if those thru-hulls are chrome plated or not, stainless or bronze. Pitting would lead me to believe chrome plated bronze. In which case there's nothing you can do other than replace them to correct the pitting. Saltwater will do that to them. They'r probably structuraly sound, just cosmetically affected. If they are polished stainless then a good metal polish would help a lot.

I've been using metal protectant on everything that's stainless or chrome on mine to try and keep that from happening. That and keeping it hosed off after every trip.

I would try some Flitz or similar, metal polish, just to clean them up and probably make them look better. Just be happy they're not plastic or you would have to replace them to be safe.
The metal thru hulls are chromed. Mine are pitted and some chrome has peeled. Someday I will replace them with stainless.
By the way, I suspect that my antifouling paint sped up the breakdown of the chrome. I raised the water line a bit last season and ran the bottom paint over a portion of the thru hulls. This probably wasn't a good move.