Ya there are alot of laws that we are not aware of, but ignorance
of the laws is not the Troopers' fault its our's. Everyone here who
tow's an oversized rig has at one point said "Gee, I wonder if I need a
permit for this?" and then shrugs his shoulders and hops on the highway
without a second thought. Then gets a ticket from a Trooper and refers
to him as an "as$h07e" in another thread for doing his job. :roll:
When you feel unsure if your legal, then call the State Police Truck team
(most local Police depts wont have this info simply because we dont
enforce those laws), and ask them for any regs regarding your set-up.
:idea: :idea: I think it would be helpful if we all try to gather some regs
from each state and create a sticky thread to update and post them.
This way we could check them out and find out what we need to do and
possibly how. :idea: :idea: :idea:
Can we do something like that Seafarer22
:!: P.S. if threads come up trashing Troopers and Police for doing their
job, you can bet that will focus their attention on large boats buzzing
the highway, esp. after reading that he was refered to as an a-hole on
a website he is a reader of, as many of us are. So those of us who sport
the big "GRADY WHITE" on our sides, lets keep them clean. I know in my city
I am always looking to lend an extra hand to a brother GW owner 8) , lets
not make it the opposite in other areas :wink: