Sorry, busy night on Mondays with scouts.
All good inputs. I will be sure to lubricate and protect the zippers, good idea.
@SmokyMtnGrady - do me a favor.. spank yourself for me.. lol.. Yea, I called them bumpers.. a slip of the "keyboard".. heh. Fenders. Sorry, never had a real need for them before so.. eh.. either boats were not boats, they were ships.. or my boats never sat next to a dock. Come to think of it, never had a need for a slip before. So, just never cared to understand the lingo. I was always moving and fishing and never got close enough to anyone else to care
But.. duly noted, my fine Smokey friend
All such good input. See, I despise stuff "at my feet" I am .. well, they give me a hard time (my fishing buddies) because I tend to count the rods etc that come onboard. I generally have plenty, and I have one of those friends that just HAS to use his stuff.. and he is not set up for Salt.. but brings .. TRIES to bring, 20 rods etc. I give him the "I hate stuff at my feet" schpeel every time, but.. he's like a brother so.. what ya gonna do, right? heh
Anyway, placement of everything is a huge thing to me and as much as I hate things at my feet, this is one of those exceptions that would not bother me as it is in the right place, for the right time, and hope there is never a right time. So, since I like my feet up on the rest at the helm, I think this would go well right below my seat. I may get a large velcro pad and see if I can stick it to the gunnel and just slap that against it. That way it is not hooked, but it has something sorta "holding it". Will need to check it and see how it all fits.
Anyway, I have one move VHF to register. It was crazy... I had registered the other VHF, the new Icom.. but that was at, the Maritime place. Then, I went to BoatUS to register the new backup.. and was like, "I have the email.. this is my login..." turns out, they do not talk well and there was the LAST boat vhf registration.. heh. So, that is sorta stupid. Not sure which 9one is best, so may want to register in both... dunno. I do not want multiple MMSIs per radio.. but, crazy they do not see each other.
I need to look at the handheld VHF and see if it needs registering or not.
Beacon is registered now as well and they are all full of info on each other... heh Cannot wait till tonight to hook it all up and get it to talk to each other.
Such good info.. and as much as I really hated spending the money this weekend.. I finally feel good about taking this boat out.
Oh, and
@glacierbaze - loving the book. Tried to read some last night but Scouts night keeps me busy.. but read a lot on Sunday. Same feeling as he had, but not due to inexperience so much as over-thinking and simply not having the ERIPB. Now that I have that...lot more confident. Before, was just me.. now.. I have the kids.. and always scary when you do not have a plan
Hope to get some reading in today as well!