Oregon Inlet Tuna

Wow! Nice looking tuna, how far out did you have to go? I'm waiting for them to come out of Fort Bragg Ca.
The area I fished is about 7 miles north of what they call the "Tuna Hole" which is about 35NM east of Oregon Inlet. It's where the continental shelf quickly drops from 400' to 2000', there's a lot of structure and this is the closest the gulf stream gets to the US east cost outside of FL. My crew bailed on me the day before so I made the run solo, quite the fire drill when 3 of the 6 rods went off both times and went 1 for 3 on the first bite and 3 for 3 on the next bite and threw that last one back over my 1 man limit.

Earlier this year I had my Seafarer in FL Keys for the month of April, then the Outer Banks, next stop Ocean City MD for the rest of the summer.
